
Five postulates and one fundamental

One, the economy is to serve the people and not the people to serve the economy.

Two, development is about people and not about objects.

Three, growth is not the same as development, and development does not necessarily require growth.

Four, no economy is possible in the absence of ecosystem services.

Five, the economy is a subsystem of a larger finite system, the biosphere, hence permanent growth is impossible.

And the fundamental value to sustain a new economy should be that no economic interest, under no circumstance, can be above the reverence of life.

Can we compare this to the Economics out of Hell we now swear by?

Manfred Max-Neef
Right Livelihood Award in 1983
Outside Looking In: Experiences in Barefoot Economics
Economics Unmasked

California Dreaming [1] [2]

Skuggathing (Shadow Parliament)

Skuggathing or Shadow Parliament is a social networking portal based on Open Active Democracy a system which in turn is a merger between: NationBuilder and Open Direct Democracy.

Bills and discussions are collected from Alþingi (Parliament) and added onto the web

Everyone can participate in the discussions, vote for or against arguments and add their own”bills” to the Skuggathing (Shadow Parliament).

In a TV interview the authors said that the Skuggathing (Shadow Parliament) portal came out of frustration with the lack of opurtunity ordinary people had to participate in the discussions after the Crash, in a way other social networking portals did not provide.

+ Is something good coming out of the Crash?
– “Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end.” Henry David Thoreau


I have long envied the Swiss for their tradition of direct Democracy, we however, with no such tradition, can we vote Yes or No to save us from a Systemic failure ?

By Systemic I mean all the components in a society where, the government, parliament, legal-, financial-, public-, private-, educational institutions, the media, and the voters have failed in their duties.

Can we put our trust in an all but a bankrupt corporation with a history of public relations stunts, to provide the technical environment for this vote ? By technical environment I mean proprietary software with no known public auditing, pair-reviews, version control or public controls of any kind?

Has there been a serious debate on the consequences of the result? Is the international financial empire just a Paper tiger or will they send in the jackals ?

This all smells of politicians wanting to score cheep points in a very serious affair in which we apparently have learned nothing, and while we are distracted over questions of no importance, our own jackals continue their scavenging for the spills.

Electronic voting
Black Box Voting
Sur le e-vote à Genève ..1.. ..2..
E-stonia’s m-voting
Simpson (_8(|)

Pranav Mistry

(sorry about the bank pollution)

sixthsense Pranav Mistry.

Al-Qaeda to rescue

We could never accuse the blogosphere of being dull.

Now that the country is all but officially bankrupt, the ruling class in tatters, and the mask is off the IMF – some bloggers think its high time to try something radically different – such as asking the Al-Qaeda for help.

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