


The President of Mutobia prepares for his nth term in office, probably because he is indispensable, if not invincible. He and Mugabe must be very old friends.

The grandest looser of them all, got the biggest newspaper for his rants, and promptly reduced its readership to less than Farmers-News.

Our Most prominent anchor at the State TV repeats warnings that we will be unable to see him with out a cable (we would be so lucky). His female counterpart declared the PM innocent in the middle of his trial before the High Court of Impeachment, and another reads the Pentagon bulletins most diligently.

Increasing the nations financial literacy is commendable, but can only be done in a patronizing tone. – Maybe they should start with the economists (including the danish ones).

Father a field, the Russian media is all propaganda, they lied to us about: the Chevron lady with the cookies, the Gorbachev agreement, the “Oh Gosh!” replay from occupied EU, etc.

Thank God for FOX, CNN, and Hollywood at least they are true (fair and balanced).


And then (1940) there was NAM
Now there is PCES
.. more than neoclassical theory
Trends In The News 🙂

They are back, but did they ever leave?

6 AM (Arno Meltdown)

Ministers lie to the parliament and the people (with impunity), banksters excel at their waiting game, – the “new” constitution resides in a comity, –  and the D’s march on (Deflect, Delay, Deny, Discount, Deceive, Dulcify, Discredit..).

Buying information about tax-havens, proven to give 1000 fold return on investment, is being debated. – while the infrastructure crumbles

Almost daily, media owned by “special interests”,  make officials such as: The State Prosecutor, The Special Prosecutor, The Chief of Police, The Parliamentary Ombudsman, and The Competition Authority – suspect in some opaque way.

The Paris Declaration Against Corruption, – in the memory hole.

And Then There Were None



The media rarely reports on the consent of the governed, – nor the dismal state of affairs between trustee and trustor.

Has corrupting the policy process, the meltdown, corporate welfare, stealing our constitution, pension funds, etc. – anything to do with it, – who knows?

But, being proud friends of worldly organizations not to forget its speaker, – we will ofcourse not see any negative reporting from places like Newport as we truly believe in all the campaigns for a (Chevron) liberated world.


The War Campaign

Perception management


A new ‘farming’ season has just started. Well crafted public relationship exercise, with all the usual ingredients, from sweet words to celebrities and nationality.

No mention of private profits, or dangers of exploiting personal information.
No Place to Hide and ‘Secrets‘ expose the myth of secure data.

Endorsement from captured ‘bodies’ does little to support informed opinion, – when a ‘label’ and a ‘flag’ is used to hide the actual owners.  2011/12 Amagen acquires deCODE for $415 million (from Chapter 11 Furniture Sales?).

The guardians of public interest also forgot to mention, that, in 2012 Amgen paid $762 million after pleading guilty to criminal charges of improper promotion and sale of misbranded drugs.

in a minuscule country we have little use for revolving doors, classmates and bridge partners suffice.

And who are the masters of disguise? – The Snakes in Suits. Those parading under the Mask of Sanity. Their Character traits are well known.- But how do we protect our self?

What about the ‘consent’ media, – why are they calling what they do ‘churnalism‘?
Liz Hayes? – Anyone?

Is this inability to learn and tendency to line up to be pruned a subject worthy of a paired study with e.g. Nulandistan?

By the way,  there is no need for  amateur  postmen, except of course to foster  “aggressive narcissism”.

The Five Ws:

  • Who?    deCODE genetics is a subsidiary of Amgen
  • What?   Collection of 100,000 ‘missing’ DNA samples and Signed Open-ended Agreements
  • Where? Iceland
  • When?  Now and for future use
  • Why?   .– …. .- – .—-. … / – …. . / …. ..- .-. .-. -.– ..–..

Perception management
Propaganda by Edward Bernays
Search and Rescue for Social influence
The Mask of Sanity

Big Parma: What?, Who? Amgen?
Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher
Pill Pushers
Is your Doctor for Sale?

Nothing to Hide
SophieCo / Eric KingPrivacy International
Ethics in Science and Medicine
Decoding broken promises

Manufacturing Consent 25 Years Later

At long last,  – a response to the blitzkrieg:
Contrary to practices in a mature democratic society (is)
Scientific rationality, uncertainty and the governance of human genetics

We have TWO (2) News media actually doing journalism (my bad):
Abused the rights of thousands of Icelanders (.is)
Same 100,000 they are after now? – Grounds for  Class action lawsuit?
kjarninn (.pdf .is) pointed to conflicting information about what Amgen actually bought, and  NextCODE   (a spin-out),  also tells a different story. –  More on the Synonym.

Our leaky vessel (sic)

The merger of state and corporate power

us-eu-flag-300x194Scoundrels come wrapped in a flag

Average EU turnout: 61.99 > 58.98 > 58.41 > 56.67 > 49.51 > 45.47 > 43 > (39,84)  Q.E.D. Crimea’s 81.3 turnout is therefore obviously illegal.

By the way, heard of any referendums on issues in NATO or its overlord the EU / TTIP?

How America Was Lost
Tackling High Inequalities
Shadow Operatives

“-  ‘Investor State Dispute Settlement’ (ISDS) in TTIP will allow transnational corporations to sue governments for any loss of future profits resulting from any government action, such as the introduction of new laws to protect the public or the environment.”

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Give and take in the EU-US trade deal? Sure. We give, the corporations take
Sell-Off – The Abolition of Your NHS

Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Politics
Who Buys the Spies?
Presstitutes Being Replaced by Journalism 2.0
A marriage made in hell: Neoliberals & Neo-Nazis

One doesn’t exclude the other
The Geography of 1984

Playing the Masses


“Fearful people are more dependent, more easily manipulated and controlled, more susceptible to deceptively simple, strong, tough measures and hard-line postures. … They may accept and even welcome repression if it promises to relieve their insecurities.” -George Gerbner

“Nothing to Tell but a lot to Sell”:

Occasionally programs like “The Mean World Syndrome” slip under the cultivation radar, interrupting our daily feed of glorified violence-pornography.

Giving up our money, freedoms and civil-rights in return for “safety” is in everyones interest, – right? Segregation from perceived danger and each other in gated communities is the optimal token of success?

Let the security services, preferably private, military, police, prison industry, lawyers, and strong political leaders take care of the problem?

The Armed Madhouse does have a dire need for enemies, preferably those who can’t fight back, to wage its endless and profitable wars.

George Gerbner
The Man Who Counts the Killing
Alex Carey
Taking the Risk Out of Democracy
Edward Bernays
The Spectre of Freud’s Nephew
Who Owns the Media?
Arms industry
Selling the wars
Buying the War
Manufacturing Consent
Synthetically manufactured fear

Hollywood to Controle the Internet?

 tells the story of a mouse, Mickey Mouse, how the concept was first “creatively adapted” and then repeatedly used to extend copyright laws which by the way were never intended to be indefinite.

Falkwinge reminded us of one of the biggest companies in Stockholm and how it one day was no more after the invention of the fridge.  ~ Loom breaking was an earlier example.

Dodgy digits, on job-losses, CD sales and the ‘illegality’ of download are just common tactics of the copyright industry.

Stallman has suggested direct “micro payments” to your favorite artist thus bypassing the corporate middlemen

In this country the media and the entertainment industry is owned by the same people, so the disinformation coming from the public relations people (who have replaced journalists) is just contemptuous.

Lets end corporate control of our public space.

Boldrin & Levine: Against Intellectual Monopoly

Anti-Copyright Resources
Megaupload sues Universal and joins fight against SOPA
Megaupload Ltd v. Universal Music Group Inc
Universal Says It Can’t Be Sued for Bogus Megaupload 

List of Those Expressing Concern With #SOPA and #PIPA
DNS Evasion to Stop Oppressive Policy in America
Hadopi : liste blanche des sites et hot spots WiFi, les détails
European Parliament smacks down France on three strikes law

Special 301 Report
Spain’s SOPA Law: How It Works And Why It Won’t
some of the above refs. came from: Verður ennþá netfrelsi á Íslandi 2012?
(Will Iceland still have  Internet Freedom 2012?)

The Sacrosanct

or Prospectors, Scavengers and Vultures.

Not a day passes without our minders telling us about our true benefactors, those who come baring investor gifts: jobs, development and yes financial growth – all this at no cost to us – Hallelujah.

Somehow our narcissistic media missed this insignificant and ‘slanderous’ report.

“From Kazakhstan to Australia, taking in the views of Zambia, war-stricken Congo and Angola, cutting across from Siberia to Iceland is a network of mining and metals companies with a catalogue of environmental and community abuse in their wake. In Iceland its face is Century Aluminum, but behind them, at the heart of this web lies the secretive commodity broker Glencore International of Switzerland.”

“The importance of commodity markets has been intensified by the 2008 financial crisis. From 2003 to 2008, the commodities future market grew 1900%, from $13Bn to $318Bn55. Part of this is a shift out of stocks and shares to capitalise on increased growth in China and on natural disasters, which are helping push up the prices of basics. Brokerages such as Glencore make their money from trading on shortages” … “Rather than deal on the open markets, the main business deals are done in private, away from scrutiny.”

From Siberia to Iceland: Century Aluminum, Glencore and the Incestuous World of Mining

War was good to Alcoa
Chinese billionaire (Poet) to purchase big chunk of Iceland

Corruption around foreign investment (is)
10 facts about the Nubo issue (is)

Vultures’ Picnic
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
Walking with the Comrades

Presidential Statement.

” … Iceland has demonstrated its willingness to negotiate agreements; we have shown fairness, but at the same time stuck firmly to our democratic and legal rights.

Although a majority of the electorate has in this referendum said ‘no’ with respect to the conclusions of the negotiations which took place last year, it is necessary to emphasise that the nature of the Icesave issue is such that the British and Dutch authorities and agencies will still, notwithstanding this result, receive immense sums from the estate of Landsbanki. In all likelihood, the amounts paid to them will come to the equivalent of USD 7-9 billion, the first payment taking place within a few months.

It is therefore not correct to maintain that the United Kingdom and the Netherlands will not receive any payments. The Icesave dispute has centred on interest payments and the interpretation of the European Union’s regulations. … ”

Statement to the international media on the result of the Icesave referendum.
Moodys rating …who cares & UK Treasurys Statements Are ‘Misleading

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