Look at the consequences
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson speaks with German farmer Anthony Lee and journalist Eva Vlaardingerbroek
Why do western governments and elites come after our farmers?
Simple: Look at the consequences and infer the motive.
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson speaks with German farmer Anthony Lee and journalist Eva Vlaardingerbroek
Why do western governments and elites come after our farmers?
Simple: Look at the consequences and infer the motive.
Systematic tax evasion with the blessing of the government
[Google Translate]
Aaron Swartz [DeadDrop]
OFC’s [98] (Bermuda, Cayman, B.V.I., etc)?
The Emperor can’t fathom the protest, – the grievances are just to many –
and his is the Best of all possible worlds.
30 reasons to protest: [DV]
(Adding 44,260 who did not vote makes ~ 1/3 of the 237,957 Eligible voters which are alienated from the democratic process)
Well. There it is.
The left: They fear convictions (they might be wrong) so let’s have something for everyone, want peace in our time (let’s negotiate), run out of time (it’s their fault), and are fair if not holy in selecting their means (I’m above it).
The right: They have convictions for which they fight all the time at every corner by any means.
La Revolucion de los Vikingos
Maria Elvira Méndez Pinedo
The “Stiglitz Report”
Silvio Gesell
Bernd Senf
The Quality of Life (Wider Studies in Development Economics)
The 1930?s Chicago Plan Vs. The American Monetary Act
The Economy of Common Good:(?) Competition and greed vs.colaboration and social common good. – Why do we consent?
The Essential Exponential!
Chomsky: How the Young Are Indoctrinated to Obey
Public “Education” has become indoctrination and distraction