
Controlling The Cognitive Map

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Renegade Inc
Ross Ashcroft on Keiser Report

The same “structures” that bankrupted us are now hailed as saviours.

Mistakes Were Made, but Not by Me

The reshaping of our cognitive map continues. Now we are joyously getting out of capital controls (in some years), ensuring happy foreign investors and repayments of debt (which mysteriously appeared on the state’s balance sheet in the meltdown).

A Marshall Plan for the Banks (just as the original) – to hell with the public in general and striking nurses and public workers in particular.

Our own lunatic media

To many notes.

The Emperor can’t fathom the protest, – the grievances are just to many –
and his is the Best of all possible worlds.

30 reasons to protest: [DV]

  1. Increased VAT on food.
  2. The Health Service hollowed-out.
  3. The public now pays about one-fifth of all health cost from their own pockets.
  4. Cost for cancer patients could amount to hundreds of thousands every year.
  5. 2% of families in the country own almost half of all unencumbered assets.
  6. 10% of the highest earners, earn more than 1/3 of all wages and the highest 20% earn 56% of all wages.
  7. Bank bonuses are on the rise.
  8. Wealth tax abolished.
  9. Billions (is) in tax havens.
  10. A large group of people must pay off their student loans for life.
  11. Production sharing tax on fisheries was reduced significantly, although they have profited 80 billion since 2009.
  12. Growing child poverty.
  13. House prices are in no way consistent with the average income.
  14. Indexation transfers billions from the public to financial institutions, inflation-indexed debt increased by more than 70 billion in 2013 in 4.2%  inflation. Homes owed ??1927 billion at the end of 2013.
  15. Reimbursement of a 15 million (is) mortgage is approximately 27 million in Scandinavia but because it is indexed, here it is over 100 million.
  16. About 2.500 billions were written off corporate dept 2009-20013, including fisheries, while households got about 300 billion depreciated.
  17. For the unique Highland wilderness they propose a power line and a freeway.
  18. Sensitive and even fictional personal information leaked from ministry.
  19. Arming of the police
  20. The police gathers information on protesters
  21. Reduced opportunities for mature students.
  22. Price fixing corporations cost the public billions.
  23. Broken pension system.
  24. Reduced Index-compensations.
  25. Corporate loopholes.
  26. Heavy industry is tax avoid-ant.
  27. The New Constitution has been anaesthetized in a committee.
  28. Coalition government that got almost half the votes cast in the elections, and now enjoys little support according to surveys, makes fundamental changes in our society.
  29. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has made serious comments due to votes of some voters weighs only half of the votes of others.
  30. The Election- and party-system does not reflect the will of voters, in the last election, 22,295 voters got no representation in the Parliament, 4,217 returned blank vote.

(Adding 44,260 who did not vote makes ~ 1/3 of the 237,957 Eligible voters which are alienated from the democratic process)

Well. There it is.

And Then There Were None



The media rarely reports on the consent of the governed, – nor the dismal state of affairs between trustee and trustor.

Has corrupting the policy process, the meltdown, corporate welfare, stealing our constitution, pension funds, etc. – anything to do with it, – who knows?

But, being proud friends of worldly organizations not to forget its speaker, – we will ofcourse not see any negative reporting from places like Newport as we truly believe in all the campaigns for a (Chevron) liberated world.


The War Campaign

Second Bill of Rights


“Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil. You have to eliminate it and replace it with something that is good for all people and that something is democracy.” ~ Michael Moore

In plutonomies the prestitude media provides: “superstars”, golf, soccer, and baseball players, music/TV and movie icons, fashion models, designers, celebrity chefs etc. as “content”, but issues are dropped down the memory hole.

FDR’s State of the Union address January 11, 1944
Citigroup Plutonomy Report, Part 1, Oct 16, 2005.
Citigroup Plutonomy Report, Part 2, March 5, 2006.
Capitalism: A Love Story
It is therefore, on opinion only…
Capitalism: A Ghost Story
Wages of Sin:
SIC Report on the background and causes of the collapse of the Icelandic banks in 2008
SIC Report on the activities of The Housing Financing Fund (HFF)
SIC Report on the background and causes of the difficulties and the collapse of the savings banks

Our Financial-Political Complex


Halldór 14.12.13

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.” ~Groucho Marx

Ordo ab Chao
Beware The Financial-Political Complex
The Labour Movement Paradox (1998)

It just won’t go away:
Wants formal investigation into Russian money (is)
Oligarchology (Boris Berezovsky)
The Russian Connection
Meltdown Iceland

Could we ask our friends at NSA and GCHQ to play some of their stuff for us? – Please.

Authorize and sanctify


Having lied and cried their way into government the current sett of baby faced puppets, revered for their skill and shear scale of it (..most radical measures to support households anywhere in the known universe..),  are now resting with the Beach Boys.

Repairing history:
“Some old people didn’t even notice it”, former PM on the meltdown.
“The state runs the risk of damages for nationalization”, best friend.
“It’s the welfare scroungers who are the cause of taxes”, party member.
“Trickle down economy does work”, M.  (does to, double does)
“The Special Prosecutor and the consumer Ombudsman need to be downsized”, M.

Not mentioned:
Tax reductions for the wealthy.
Retraction of the”production sharing” tax.
Corporate owners get millions in bonuses.
Political parties get millions in subsidies.

Price explosion, salaries depletion, resulting in brain drain.
And last but not least,  motherly women are the new face of investment banking.

By the way, when can ‘we the people’ expect damages for the privatization of public assets?

“The most effective way to restrict democracy is to transfer decision-
making from the public arena to unaccountable institutions: kings and princes, priestly castes, military juntas, party dictatorships, or modern corporations.” ~  Noam Chomsky

Parable of the broken windows
Nailing the political zeitgeist

Trust us we are lying
All Explained in 3 Minutes
Privatization Nightmare

Captured democracy
And from City (not the offshore one)
Public Banking

Controlling the narrative

Coup d'etat

2007,  2013 …

All power originates from the people. – Except for real issues foreign or domestic, and god forbid money.

Institutionalized representative democracy stands naked but not ashamed.

“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”  ~  Frédéric Bastiat

Only if it suits Olaf V.
Pure falsehood and missing filibuster (is)
clearly not very knowledgeable in parliamentary procedure (is)
The Russian Connection in Iceland’s Collapse
Gangsta’s Paradise

E-stonia’s E-Voting Source Code Made Public

The golden rule


We have no corruption, ~ it’s been legalized.

Skýrsla rannsóknarnefndar Alþingis (Special Investigation Commission)
Skýrsla rannsóknarnefndar Alþingis um Íbúðalánasjóð (Parliamentary Committee on Housing Authority)
Skýrsla rannsóknarnefndar Alþingis um Sparisjóðina (Parliamentary Committee on Savings Banks)

Tillaga til þingsályktunar (Proposal for a parliamentary resolution)
Money laundering?

Græðgi og spilling (Greed and corruption)
Groundhog Day


1. Factual knowledge has not been able to counter voodoo convictions, some say that this is because the best stock left the country for Canada in 1870-1914, leaving only bankers, politicians, middlemen, and telephone sanitizers. – This may or may not be.

2. see 1.

La Revolucion de los Vikingos

Serially occupied

Norway, Denmark, UK, US, and now China.

Now, the infinite wisdom of hillbilly’s is to provide China with 300 square km of land* for a new airbase in Europe, sorry my mistake a luxury hotel and an eco-spa.

The gospel of “foreign investment” and “jobs” sounds loud and clear from the corporate propaganda industry, with nationalism and conspiracy thrown in for the infidel’s. Yes we used to provide prostitutes to the beloved but forgone American airbase. And some privileged people used to live of the American taxpayer.

Who hoards, with greed that never tires?

It is heartwarming to see the Social Democrats of both sexes, having so heartily embraced the neoclassical Vision, sorry The Nordic Model (my bad).

The ‘Kissing Cousins’ syndrome may explain the superior moral aptitude. However, others say that the best stock left the country in 1870-1914,  leaving only bankers, politicians, middlemen, and telephone sanitizers.

When the student is ready, the master appears, – but can the Master of “long term” teach the addictive short fixer anything?  One of the 22 steps is to ask for more than you want. – but already from 100 to 1% is not negotiating, it’s toying.

* 300sq km (155 sq mile, – US ratio to Hawaii or Massachusetts)

The Devils Dictionary
How can we buy the air?
List of U.S. states and territories by area

22-Acre = 0.089030 km² in Wales
Fundamental foreign policy issue (IS)
Geld kann man nie genug haben
The Price of Sex

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