Perception management

Raquel Dancho

Manufacturing Cultural Myths

Clueless 2


From the Blogosfair.

~ There is a profound misunderstanding on the part of the authorities to claim that they understand the nations anger.
We can’t begin to talk about understanding, until at least one of them has experienced some of the following: auction of their home, life on unemployment benefits, – pensions, – disability benefits, standing in the food line at the family help center, having to eat at the Salvation Army’s day center and sleeping in a homeless shelter. Until then their balderdash is just insulting ~

At the same time the political and corporate ‘elite’ who collaborated and orchestrated the meltdown flatly refuse any accountability, and eagerly work towards getting back to their unfettered plunder and impunity.

Next on their agenda is to auction off thousands of peoples homes for pittance, as happened in America, and to sell them to people with “access” , who in turn will rent these properties to “commoners” at extortionist prices. – “Look ma no hands”. Disregarding their impunity , the pattern is distinctively SCAD-ish.

Does anyone remember Hudson? or Perkins?
Oct. – Nov. 2008
4th October 2010
List of fallacies
How individuals “attribute” causes to events and behavior
Perception Management


Some twenty years ago Chomsky wrote about Necessary Illusions, however today and after these last couple of years I think it’s the more malignant cousin delusions which is at work.

The numerous people involved with the “Crash” and the events leading up to it are all “Innocent”. The consequences of their actions are nevertheless obvious everywhere. The destruction of peoples livelihoods, bankruptcies, food-lines, austerity measures, the war against the land, everywhere except with the perpetually innocent.

A delusion is a “fixed belief that is either false, fanciful, or derived from deception. In psychiatry, it is defined to be a belief that is pathological (the result of an illness or illness process) and is held despite evidence to the contrary. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, dogma, stupidity, apperception, illusion, or other effects of perception”.

A belief held despite evidence to the contrary. If we assume that we are not in the grips of dangerous disease what remains is, – false or incomplete information, dogma, stupidity, apperception, illusion, or other effects of perception.

Maybe thats the whole basis for perception (deception) management?

Is information transformative?

After the meltdown, we have been living the many aspects of perception management. Powerful and moneyed interests have tried to gain advantage in the war over our hearts, minds and natural resources.
The propaganda tools have been used to: predetermine, select, shape, control and restrict by the selection of topics, distribution of concerns, emphasis, framing of issues, filtering of information and bounding of the debate.
And as the “governors” know, they have nothing to support them but opinion (Hume)
The media has been preoccupied with glorifying economic growth, foreign investment and assured job creation on one hand and celebrities in rehab, political punditry and a mauling at the zoo on the other.
To counter (punch) this, a handful of people have more than made-up for this media brilliance, and thanks to them we are 85% ahead, with 10% brain dead, and 5% willing to sell their kidneys.
At the same time, the opinion industry tells us that the fears, prejudices, and whims of the rational voter wants to return power to the same people that got us into this mess.

Content analysis
Information Warfare (IASIW)
Perception management
Propaganda Models
What We Call the News
In Growth We Trust
Edward Bernays

Manufacturing righteousness

What would we do without the industrious public relations people?

Not a day passes without “news” about his boyish charms. Boy: walking in a public place, – in a tent, – on his motorbike, – promising to pay his debts.

No improper mention of is private jet or yacht, his days in Petersburg, his offshore accounts, his massive loans days before “his” bank went bankrupt, – leaving Icesave with a humiliated nation.

And of course the neo-con-religious find no fault in him, after all he is the living proof for their ‘Weltanschauung’.

I’m King David, and I did not approve.
– ” – , and it’s not to much for the state to swallow.

Les 7 salopards de la crise  (3/7) – Marianne N°692
Trust Me, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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