Russophobia produces foaming at the mouth


Warmongers are not taken by the Olympic spirit:

“to build a peaceful and better world in the Olympic Spirit which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play – Olympic Spirit strives to inspire and motivate the youth of the world to be the best they can be through educational and entertaining interactive challenges. Olympic Spirit seeks to instill and develop the values and ideals of Olympism in those who visit and to promote tolerance and understanding in these increasingly troubled time in which we live, to make our world a more peaceful place.”

A Common(s) Problem:

“Yet again the current … Minister of … shamed our country, this time by … Please do not judge … by the … actions of this man, most of us voted against him but we split our votes among opposition parties and must now endure his …”

Web of Deceit

Officer Wolfgang Schmidt
A Dream Come True

Protection of sources briefing (caj)


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