
CIA “asset” gets own talk show.

eimreidarhopurinnDo a little Social networking

Stjórn LÍÚ 2013_1418078687

Fisheries pay billions in dividends to the “owners” of a natural resource.
The infrastructure crumbles, – in preparation for privatization.
White collar criminals get suspended sentences.
Special prosecutor crippled by cuts.
Investigation Commissions suspended.
Information about 400 “entities” in tax-havens ignored.
Government bails out selective % of private mortgages.
New constitution buried, – after a referendum.
After repeated exodus of the young and able, – who is left behind?

Please stop referring to our success



Fairies spin the yarn and pipers lead the children

Having inherited the monarchy from Christian Carl Frederik Albert Alexander Vilhelm of Glücksborg – the ‘ruling élite’ of Disney~Land has no intention of surrendering any of their power to the people.

A likely member in the next government equated his opposition to the new constitutional draft with the war on communism. Even in the land of ‘hope and change’ they have long since replaced that -ism with another.

However, the aversion towards Europe (and anything foreign) is because of their continued interference in internal affairs.  – Politically connected wealth is obviously a problem we don’t have.

Networks of Power
OSCE – “structural imbalances in weight of the vote” (pdf)
GRECO – “Regarding members of parliament” (pdf)
Verfassungsexperiment ist so gut wie gescheitert

Stockholm syndrome  (traumatic bonding)
The “war of the lists,” (we never got to see)
Offshore secrets  (Is there still hope?)
Secrecy for Sale: Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze 

TheICIJ ~ YouTube
List of depreciation to companies in the wake of the economic collapse 2008 (is)
Kissinger Cables (jan 2009)

Opinion leadership

The clowns, freaks, acrobats, jugglers, strongman, magicians, spinners, and liars are coming to save us, from their latest rescue (which got us into the record books), thank you very much!

Measuring “scientifically” what views we have – if any – is now vitally important. What we think between elections, even in a national referendum is of no concern.

The Superpollsters: How They Measure and Manipulate Public Opinion 
20 Questions A Journalist Should Ask About Poll Results

Requiem for a Dinosaur


The Referendum – October 20, 2012 Yes No
Do you wish the Constitution Council’s proposals to form the basis of a new draft Constitution? 66,3% 33,7%
In the new Constitution, do you want natural resources that are not privately owned to be declared national property? 82,9% 17,1%
Would you like to see provisions in the new Constitution on an established (national) church in Iceland? 57,1% 42,9%
Would you like to see a provision in the new Constitution authorising the election of particular individuals to the Althingi more than is the case at present? 78,4% 21,6%
Would you like to see a provision in the new Constitution giving equal weight to votes cast in all parts of the country? 66,5% 33,5%
Would you like to see a provision in the new Constitution stating that a certain proportion of the electorate is able to demand that issues are put to a referendum? 73,3% 26,7%

Final figures  (is)

Constitution, Referendum and Communism?

Not only do we have the best bankers and businessmen, but our politicians are world class statesmen.

In a National Referendum: “When democracy and communism meet, – democracy must give way.”

Can you spot the logical fallacy?

This might help our Funding Fathers with their new iPad

Obfuscated History
The Best Enemy Money Can Buy

And elsewhere in the state of Nordic welfare?


Transparent governance is a joke.
Debt depreciation is shrouded in bank secrecy.
Parliamentarians are about to stop impeachment proceedings against them self’s*
Parliament is unable to debate the new constitution.

The Indians eagerly await to sell Manhattan.
The “factory” Social Democrats want more aluminum smelters.
The banks drag their feet after a clear Supreme Court ruling.
Discrediting financial regulator(s) is legion.


.The Echo chamber: it’s not the Crime, – it’s the Crime buster, –  or is it one and the other?

We are still in the grips of a small clique of insiders.

The failed state of Iceland
Iceland’s campaigning regulator faces dismissal

* Pity the poor prophet – Voting Records

Iceland is a republic …

The Constitutional Council has finished its work and handed the text over to us.

Something unheard of in this country happened, the bill for a new constitution was approved unanimously by all the 25 members of the Constitutional Council.

My first trepidation’s from an unfinished draft have been squelched.

I will vote for it, hoping that the political class will surrender in this peaceful revolution(?).

Iceland is a republic with a parliamentary government. (is)

Mostly Harmful

A new constitution has been drafted.

This draft would not have passed in the 18th century.

Platitudes about elected ‘representatives’ only being bound by their ‘consciousness’ is a contradiction in terms.

Delaying referendums up to a year, is a pathetic attempt to separate power from the people.

No attempt is made to curb the powers which are the dictates of modern societies, where governments, parliaments, and courts are but office-workers for transnational money powers.

E.g. article 58 is just dandy, It prevents the nation from defending it self against financial warfare.

This is all the more peculiar as it was the workings of these monetary powers that instigated this work.

The first words of our constitution are, –

“Ísland er lýðveldi…” – “Iceland is a republic” which means a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of its citizens.

The miserable sods that concocted the current text have failed to understand this.

Finally, when the State, on the eve of ruin, maintains only a vain, illusory and formal existence, when in every heart the social bond is broken, and the meanest interest brazenly lays hold of the sacred name of “public good,” the general will becomes mute: all men, guided by secret motives, no more give their views as citizens than if the State had never been; and iniquitous decrees directed solely to private interest get passed under the name of laws.

The Social Contract (Book 4) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712–1778

In the 21st century with it’s non-human global entities, mega corporations and their financial instruments, it is not apparent that 204 (?) magnificent constitutions are of much use in times when replacing of governments and the destruction of sovereign states is but an idle pastime.

Already Forgotten
To Enrich and Privilege the Designers
Save the Gambling Bankers
Eurozone debt crisis
The Steady Drip
Tall fair and blond (32)

What A Wonderful World

The Constitutional Council

The Constitutional Assembly has survived fierce onslaught by the elite and is now in progress.

It appears that the referendum on Saturday is turning into a tactical voting exercise, as the same forces that got us into this mess, fight tooth and nail to secure their privileges and impunity, – regardless of issues and consequences to anyone else.

The Constitutional Council

The Crime That Wasn’t

Justices of the Supreme Court have decided on the fate of the Constitutional Assembly. What’s good enough for England, Germany and France, is useless on this bedrock of justice. Of course such Excellencies are wasted on farmers and fishermen and should be offered as legal-aid to these wretched countries.
Alas! in winter, dead and dark, we tried to teach them Excellence in banking to no avail.

In a failed state, it would be remarkable if one of it’s institutions had somehow existed in a pristine state, unaffected from all the rest. After two years of revelations of incompetence, corruption and criminality, it’s at best sad to see sanctimonious cliché’s about courts and judges, when it is one of the affected institutions.

The “party” has ruled the Justice Ministry for the best part of it’s history and appointed all but one of the Supreme Court Judges. In this current case the court has humiliated it self by acting as an extension to party headquarters. Justices pledging allegiance to the Inner Circle on national television is singular.

To change institutions in a society will take more than a demonstration or two, and the burning of a Christmas tree.

It is vitally important to refer this case to the The European Court of Human Rights so that “entities” of whatever nomination can’t just “unplug” the democratic process. – That form of government is Tyranny – and I will be seeking asylum in England, Germany and France.

Thomas Jefferson was well aware that ‘powers’ tend to forget the origin of their transferred powers when he said, “Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people”.

From the Blogosphere:
4 Justices ‘guilty’ of blatant conflict of interest
The Supreme Court of special interests
The PM and the Justice Minister surprised (.is)
MP Critical of the Court (.is)
No known precedence in a western country –

Court resorts to creative semantics.
Federal Constitutional Court Of Germany 2007 (.is)
– Dismal track-record with the European Court of Justice (.is)
– The Supreme Court should resign (.is)
No legal basis for Election annulment (.is)

Not half a sentence regarding how the result was contaminated (.is)
The Faculty of Law was tenured by totally incompetent professors (.is)
Court did not comply with investigative duties (.is)
University professors criticize the Supreme Court. (.is)
It’s just an “Administrative Decision” anyone can contest (.is)

Mathematician shames the courts logic (.is)
HowTo defend the democracy from the country’s supreme court (.is)
First [court] order predicate calculus: “It’s Common Knowledge”.
The “Terminally Unique” encouraged to seek professional help.)
Not just any fool [lawyer] out there (.is)

Rector of a University charges judge of deception. (.is)
Supermans X-ray vision, – can he see through [crap] lead?
Do we have here a party of young conservatives from Sirius B?
[Barking, growling, and howling]
It’s all the same issue, the race for the Nations Resources (.is)
FM 3-05.130 …Unconventional Warfare – “stores of value”

The only thing wrong with the election was the Court’s Interference.
(YouTube: needs text)
New and Improved Natural Resources Colonialism.
(YouTube: needs text)

Live And Learn

Unbelievable, – to see professionalism at work in this godforsaken country is just astounding.

First (although I didn’t have any faith in it) the Special Investigation Commission (SIC) released it’s report.

And now, the Icesave negotiation team under the leadership of Lee Buchheit has produced another landmark.

Eva Joly got French and Norwegian investigators to look at two of the failed banks and they have confirmed the SIC’s report, ‘negligence’ on behalf of bankers and auditors and they have condemned PriceWatherhouseCoopers for not adhering to International Standards.

The Special Prosecutor is predicting legal action against some of the ”culprits” early next year.

Even the former PM will have to face an Impeachment Court, although I would have preferred to see all of the accused ministers there with him.

Faith in politicians is at an all time low (<10%), but hopefully the Constitutional Assembly will manage to curb the current unhealthy and corrupt political “cult” for something better.

The SIC Report
Ministry of Finance
the Special Prosecutor
The Constitutional Assembly

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