
Michel Chossudovsky

Lux Média
Global Research

The Banker

Craig-James Moncur

+ Iain Davis for good measure

Idiot no more

idiotShakespeare will have to be rewritten, “it is a tale Told by an idiot” ?

The political class, it’s voodoo doctrines and it’s voters, will hereafter be refereed to as mentally challenged.

By the way, in the district court, “breach of trust” appears to be perfectly legal in the upper half of our two-tiered justice system. ~ Banksters and their cohorts rejoice.

Edwin Sutherland: The 75th Anniversary of His Coining The Term White-Collar Crime

The vile maxim are now after everything from our health, food & education to the ISP’s. – It’s Not Trickledown But Gush-Up.

The police secretly arms with Glock 17 & old MP5’s.  – Thanks Norway, but we prefer the Christmas tree.

It is now confirmed, that, the police collects information about individual citizens on the basis of presumed political opinion. WAP – Surprise or not, police officers have always been appointed because of their affiliation to the Independence party.

Ministers Aid Demands Imprisonment of Journalists
Without ECHR Journalists would be in it.

In this asylum for imbeciles, political corruption, incompetence and anti-merit must be protected and nurses loving the peace arrested.

The Finish ambassador had it right when he prayed never having to return.

Divert, Deflect, Deny & Deceive.

“Pots and Pans revolution” – What? – Where?


Jon Gnarr for president. – Oligarchs for breakfast.

They are back, but did they ever leave?

6 AM (Arno Meltdown)

Ministers lie to the parliament and the people (with impunity), banksters excel at their waiting game, – the “new” constitution resides in a comity, –  and the D’s march on (Deflect, Delay, Deny, Discount, Deceive, Dulcify, Discredit..).

Buying information about tax-havens, proven to give 1000 fold return on investment, is being debated. – while the infrastructure crumbles

Almost daily, media owned by “special interests”,  make officials such as: The State Prosecutor, The Special Prosecutor, The Chief of Police, The Parliamentary Ombudsman, and The Competition Authority – suspect in some opaque way.

The Paris Declaration Against Corruption, – in the memory hole.

Reality ?

(the teleprompter is out of order)

In All The Presidents’ Bankers, Nomi Prins tells the story of the merry-go-round between bankers and presidents, ~ but ignorance is strength.

Pre-meltdown, “Complex Financial Instruments” were the pride and joy of the experts, nothing much has changed.

Janet M. Tavakoli explains some terms and numbers.

The Fraud Triangle: Need, Opportunity, Rationalization.

The total Global Economy ~ 71 trillion, – but interest rate swaps OTC derivatives are “worth” 560 trillion, – 7 trillions traded every day.

Ending world poverty costs $175 billion * 20 years, – but that’s communism, we much prefer the vile maxim.

By the ways Lockheed-Martin shares from 2000 to date are up 930%

Our own  “theatre director” has replaced journalists with news children (21). It’s not the truthiness, but how it looks.

The latest MSMBS World Headlies

And the politicians continue to debate concocted problems, – from which they miraculously save us. The rest go into the Too Difficult’ Box . Then the D’s Go Marching In: Deflect, Delay, Deny, Discount, Deceive, Divide, Dulcify, Discredit, Destroy, and Deal.


The Deep State

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State
Top Secret America
TPP Trade Officials Received Hefty Bonuses From Big Banks
TPP Environment Chapter Consolidated Text
Give and take in the EU-US trade deal? Sure. We give, the corporations take
All the Presidents’ Bankers
Staggering Hypocrisy
Two Days of Military Spending

The merger of state and corporate power

us-eu-flag-300x194Scoundrels come wrapped in a flag

Average EU turnout: 61.99 > 58.98 > 58.41 > 56.67 > 49.51 > 45.47 > 43 > (39,84)  Q.E.D. Crimea’s 81.3 turnout is therefore obviously illegal.

By the way, heard of any referendums on issues in NATO or its overlord the EU / TTIP?

How America Was Lost
Tackling High Inequalities
Shadow Operatives

“-  ‘Investor State Dispute Settlement’ (ISDS) in TTIP will allow transnational corporations to sue governments for any loss of future profits resulting from any government action, such as the introduction of new laws to protect the public or the environment.”

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Give and take in the EU-US trade deal? Sure. We give, the corporations take
Sell-Off – The Abolition of Your NHS

Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Politics
Who Buys the Spies?
Presstitutes Being Replaced by Journalism 2.0
A marriage made in hell: Neoliberals & Neo-Nazis

One doesn’t exclude the other
The Geography of 1984

The infinite supply of superior judgment

3 pinguini

Star-lawyers, politically appointed judges and spin doctors, are appalled by the hateful street mob asking for the full force of the law for financiers and members of the political class. However, – they have no mercy for the ‘common’ criminal, nor do they declare their conflicting interests. – The impunity of “suits” is almost universal.

Political class
Political responsibility (What? Where?) (.is)
Victimless crimes
Bringing Down the Banking System

Island und die Krise
The Russian Connection
Working for the Few
Democracy For The Few

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