March 2015

Politics void of policy

Prestitudes furiously produce “news” about: parties, persons, form, techniques, talking heads, publicity stunts, fractional gain/loss in poles, etc., – but never ever if our “representatives” are doing anything worthwhile.

The Pirate Party appears to be taking over just as the Best Party did locally.

In 2010 parliament unanimously passed a resolution about the SIC report, – and have since done absolutely nothing with it.


Legal Trickery


Pay-time: killing a man 8 years, getting an education 40 years.

Student loans have been hyped as the best possible, – no mention of the Poisoned Pawn.

Entrapping eight thousand unsuspecting relatives to people with student loans is the latest low in Gangsta’s Paradise.

Deceased parent who signed as loan guarantor often decades ago is used to evoke new legal bind with his descendants that where never party to the original agreement.

The usual political B.S. is used to explain what is in fact retroactive laws, frowned upon by most countries, – but not in Gangsta’s Paradise. – Or are the “cons” just fixing what wasn’t broken, to pave way for a new and private entity?

You can kiss my vote goodbye – I know you don’t care – but eight thousand?

Captured governance: The national registry sends updates of all relevant information to all government bodies, the student loan fund included, which apparently it did not make any use of until now – often decades after the fact. Another shining example of criminal incompetence so revered in Gangsta’s Paradise.

Lawyers (and Auditors) field to inform relatives of liabilities, – but that’s OK!

Debt: The First 5,000 Years

In passing:
The police chef broke the law, but that’s OK!
The 400 on the tax-havens list will get “amnesty”, and that’s OK!

He’s a lumberjack, and he’s OK!

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