June 2022

Ben Swann

Truth in Media

Why is “WE LIE TO YOU NEWS” getting higher ratings than the Globalist rags with their Trusted News Initiative?

Garland Nixon

Ray McGovern
Scott Ritter

UK Column News

Grand Jury | Day 8


The Top 10 Creepiest … (WEF)

Monkey Business

Host Alec Zeck of The Way Forward presents a live summit to dissect and debunk the monkey business surrounding both monkeypox and the theory of pathogenic viruses at large. Featuring in order of appearance, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Sam Bailey, Mike Stone of viroliegy.com, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Christine Massey, Dr. Mark Bailey, Dr. Kevin Corbett, Saeed Qureshi, Eric Coppolino and Dr. Amandha Vollmer.

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