


Five hundred thousand million +

The latest ‘investigative’ report informs us of incomprehensible losses of the retirement funds. This, big as it is, is only a fraction of the total losses in the banking meltdown.

Accountability is a concept in ethics and governance with several meanings, nevertheless none of these fit the cognitive climate.

Voodoo priests are currently hard at work stuffing history down the memory hole, their version is that none of this happened, others compare us to post colonial Africa, as we’ve been occupied in succession by: Denmark, UK, US, and the IMF.

Having successfully separated the peasants from their retirement money, the “gentry” wants the serfs to work until they drop, – not mentioning the simple fact that there isn’t work even for young slaves – regardless of how often they redefine the unemployment figures.

Loss of money is one thing but loss of identity is something else.

Summary of the Principal Conclusions of the Review
Networks of Power in Iceland: The Labour Movement Paradox.  (pdf)
On Thin Ice, a modern viking saga about corruption deception and the collapse of a nation

The State of Africa
The Ascent of Money
Conversations With History

Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes
“the members of the black priesthood”
Keen 2012 Google Talks

“The Empire of United Corporations”

Free as in Freedom

WikiLeaks: The Spy Files

Who Runs the World?

Democratically elected representatives or 147 “super-entities”:

1. Barclays plc
2. Capital Group Companies Inc
3. FMR Corporation
4. AXA
5. State Street Corporation
6. JP Morgan Chase & Co
7. Legal & General Group plc
8. Vanguard Group Inc
10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc
11. Wellington Management Co LLP
12. Deutsche Bank AG
13. Franklin Resources Inc
14. Credit Suisse Group
15. Walton Enterprises LLC
16. Bank of New York Mellon Corp
17. Natixis
18. Goldman Sachs Group Inc
19. T Rowe Price Group Inc
20. Legg Mason Inc
“The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.” ~ Antonio Gramsci

Without the Consent of the Governed

“Only a crisis—actual or perceived—produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes politically inevitable.” ~ Milton Friedman

They actually showed this documentary adaptation of The Shock Doctrine (2009) on TV? – But then Klein thought that we had refused treatment, although our left-wing finance minister got a pat on the head from the IMF.

PIGS, – this couldn’t possibly still be going on?

Naomi Klein
On-going Revolution?

Are we all tin foild paranoids?
Clash of Civilizations
Synthetic Terror (rogue network – parallel government).
‘Rogue Trader’ My Ass

A Systems Analysis Perspective

 Icelandic Economic Collapse
A Systems Analysis Perspective on financial, social and world system links

“We live in a time with ever increasing complexity in society and this is reflected in our lives becoming more complex and less easy to understand. Globalization has meant that events andcausal chains span larger distances, structures are less transparent and the way the world worksis becoming more difficult to understand. The Icelandic bank crisis, the co-occurring national financial collapse and world financial crisis was part of a larger set of linked events that are difficult to overview and penetrate.”

“The Icelandic economic collapse was real and very serious for a small country. Only by silent intervention of its Nordic neighbours were certain basic functions of supplying the country with essentials maintained. Without this, the situation for the Icelandic population would have been noticeably bad or even dangerous”
“After the financial collapse of the banks and later the state, the financial transactions and transfers were mapped out in detail in a Parliamentary Special Investigative Report (2010), including who was involved and their actions described as far as possible. However, these results are all outputs from an economic system where decisions were made somewhere else in the larger societal system. To come closer to the question of how and why the economic bubble could go so far, we also need to address the social dimension of the collapse.”

“One issue stands out clear from the global financial crisis, and that is that the there is no way back, the old system was flawed on a fundamental level, and the international financial and policy context is still very unsustainable. The whole world´s economic system, which is based on material resource consumption forever, has reached a limit we knew would be there somewhere in time, and which will eventually stop it (Meadows et al. 1972, 1992, 2005, Latouche 2007,Jackson 2009). Growth economics on a limited planet is unrealistic.”

University of Iceland

Icelandic Economic Collapse
A Systems Analysis Perspective on financial,
social and world system links (.pdf)

System dynamics
Causal loop diagram

“Anyone who believes that exponential growth can go on for ever in a finite
world is either a madman or an economist” ~ Kenneth Boulding

Al Bartlett: In Growth We Trust (the simple math 1 to 8 ) and
The Essential Exponential!

Related ?
The Four Horsemen
“The prostitution of the economics profession” [1].[2]
“not much to do with what the Constitution calls for.” [1].[2]
In the Valley of Elah

Five postulates and one fundamental

One, the economy is to serve the people and not the people to serve the economy.

Two, development is about people and not about objects.

Three, growth is not the same as development, and development does not necessarily require growth.

Four, no economy is possible in the absence of ecosystem services.

Five, the economy is a subsystem of a larger finite system, the biosphere, hence permanent growth is impossible.

And the fundamental value to sustain a new economy should be that no economic interest, under no circumstance, can be above the reverence of life.

Can we compare this to the Economics out of Hell we now swear by?

Manfred Max-Neef
Right Livelihood Award in 1983
Outside Looking In: Experiences in Barefoot Economics
Economics Unmasked

California Dreaming [1] [2]

Our Empire Friend

Blood on whose hands? The military was given “assignment”, – illegal, immoral, stupid and counterproductive – by state authorities who promote and endorse that sort of thing.

We where listed in the “Coalition of the Willing”, and famously, this was actualized by Two (2) men. They also laid the foundations for the meltdown, but thats another story.

How far is it possible to marginalize the public of any country?

Psyops of course is all about Assange, is he a prick? – Who the f*** cares?


Most Censored 2009-2010


The free and hard-hitting western press, the forth estate and all that B.S., has totally “missed” this: Global Plans to Replace the Dollar.


“The cycle supporting a permanent US war economy appears to be almost over. Once the dollar cannot flood central banks and no one buys US treasury bonds, the American global military empire collapses. The impact on daily living for the US population could be severe.”

“The United States tells debtor economies to sell off their public utilities and natural resources, raise their interest rates and increase taxes while gutting their social safety nets to squeeze out money to pay creditors. ”

“When Mr. Geithner put on his serious face and told an audience at Peking University in early June that he believed in a “strong dollar” and China’s US investments therefore were safe and sound, he was greeted with derisive laughter.”

It may be helpful if “Geithner can show us some arithmetic,” said Yu. “We need to know how the U.S. government can achieve this objective.”

Referring to the Federal Reserve “as the world’s biggest junk investor,” and to Chairman Ben S. Bernanke as “helicopter Ben,” Yu said the Fed has dropped “tons of money from the sky since the subprime crisis.”

If the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO are but drawers in the US Treasury, what does that mean for an Icelandic Finance Minister of the left freaking kind who pusses their neocon economic theories (confirmed by a typewriter) culminating the absurdity by speaking at Goldman Sachs meat. Are we insane or just simple farm-folks.

Chris Hedges, The American Empire Is Bankrupt
Michael Hudson, De-Dollarization: The Yekaterinburg Turning Point
Fred Weir, Iran and Russia Nip at US Global Dominance
Lyubov Pronina, Medvedev Shows Off Sample Coin of New ‘World Currency’ at G-8
Edmund Conway, UN Wants New Global Currency to Replace Dollar
Jose Arturo Cardenas, Latin American Leftists Tackle Dollar with New Currency

State Terrorism

Apartheid State. Pirate State. Rouge State. Terror State. How long are they to justify their own evil with their “Holy Cow”. – “Waves of revulsion as 19 die in Israeli attack on Gaza aid flotilla”. Endless UN Resolutions to no avail, – however US and Israel talk about the international community as being something more than the whole two of them. No wonder they don’t want nukes in Iran.

Mornings in Jenin
Palestine is Still the Issue
The Association Iceland-Palestine
Israel is an Apartheid State
Palestinian Loss of Land 1946 to 2000
60 Years of OCCUPATION, Dispossession and Oppression
Wave of revulsion as 19 die in Israeli attack on Gaza aid flotilla
Rachel Corrie
Twitter Censorship Of #Flotilla Tag
Red Cross: Israel violating international law over Gaza
The Swedish Dockworkers Union

For the Love of Democracy

January 6, 2010 I wrote: The “political class” is franticly trying to abort the referendum in Iceland because of the dangerous precedence it would set for other plebeians, and God save our “principal men” from Democracy.

This is now confirmed in a classified letter from the US Embassy in Reykjavik published on Wikileaks. It is easy to demonize the president and forget about the 56,089 Icelanders (23,3% of Icelandic voters), that petitioned him to refer the law to a national referendum. Will our “principal men” succeed in breaking the Constitution in these remaining days?

May the hand wither that works against the inherent rights of the people.

New form WikiLeaks: UK-NL “profiteering” from deal. (pdf)



1. (C) Summary. CDA met with Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Einar Gunnarsson and Political Advisor Kristjan Guy Burgess January 12 to discuss Icesave. After presenting a gloomy picture of Iceland’s future, the two officials asked for U.S. support. They said that public comments of support from the U.S. or assistance in getting the issue on the IMF agenda would be very much appreciated. They further said that they did not want to see the matter go to a national referendum and that they were exploring other options for resolving the issue. The British Ambassador told CDA separately that he, as well as the Ministry of Finance, were also looking at options that would forestall a referendum. End Summary.


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