Twelve Nominees for Bankrupting a Nation


After news of the “Truth Commission” sending twelve letters to people indicated in the “Truth Report”, the press is guessing the price categories to be:


For Gross negligence in:


  • The Prime Minister
  • The Foreign Minister
  • The Finance Minister
  • The Minister of Economic Affairs

Civil Service:

  • The Permanent Secretary for The Prime Minister’s Office
  • The Permanent Secretary for The Ministry of Finance
  • The Permanent Secretary for The Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • . . . . . . . Acting Secretary for The Ministry of Economic Affairs

Central Banking:

  • The three Central Bank Managers

Financial Supervisory:

  • The Director General

All but one have now been replaced, but according to the rhetoric, “people failed, nothing wrong with the policy” ?

The “Truth or Black Report” is due at the end of the month, we will then see who gets the actual ‘price’.

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