After all this time and endless stream of unbelievable news of bankers fraud we are told, that even after the fall, “they” stole the rescue-package (the best part of the Central-banks reserves) and transferred the moneys to tax-havens (Luxembourg and British-Virgin Islands).
Now, the news read “engaged in a sweeping conspiracy”, obviously not to the liking of the “conspiracy phobics“.
Global Illicit Financial Structures:
- Tax havens
- Secrecy jurisdictions
- Disguised corporations
- Redomiciliation provisions
- Anonymous trust accounts
- Fake foundations
- Falsified pricing
- Money laundering techniques
Interpol – Wanted EINARSSON, Sigurdur
Ounce of Gold for information leading to arrest
Iceland’s Glitnir sues ex-officials for $2 bln
Icelandic leaders accused of ‘negligence’
Dunning–Kruger effect