Ad nauseam

The Empire’s 5-year plan of “reconstruction” includes seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Libya, Sudan and Somalia. The Echo chamber blasts the fable about the the benevolent bystander and the malignant tyrant, but fails to mention the highly qualified coalition of luggage carriers.

It’s just as deprave to turn the Olympics into a promotion venue for the arms industry, as deciding if Jane Fonda or Mohamed should be on the “enemy list”.

The Wicked Witch of the West and her Winged Monkeys run out of steam when Dorothy accidentally “leaked” on her. – Maybe that is the core root for the obsession for all types of -isms.

War crime
Covert United States foreign regime change actions
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Winning Modern Wars

How to Spot a Communist
List all words that contain isms
Victimless Crimes
From NK with Love

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