Auctioning of the Blowback?

“Multicultural Graveyard” by Khaled Barakeh
How many? Is this our last offer?

The Empire’s 5-year plan of “reconstruction” includes seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

Let’s send all the refugees to K Street (Washington, D.C.), – it might provide them with a “regime change” success affirmation.

Lockheed-Martin’s shares from 2000 to date are up 930%, – war really is a racket.

Some names for “it” : automaton, psychopath, father of lies, and of course reptilians.

List of ongoing armed conflicts
List of wars involving the United States
Perpetual War For Perpetual Peace
Is America Addicted to War?

Winning Modern Wars
The Age of Imperial Wars
The Coalition of the Killing
The Empire Files

And The Waltz Goes On

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