
From Haiti, Germany, Japan, Iraq to Iceland.
In Africa they support us and say that we are refusing to turn up for our own funeral. Some of us predict that we are becoming the next Haiti, not because of the current tragedy but because of the Revolution(1791–1803) and resulting reparations(1825). 75 years later they where sill paying 80% of their national income to predatory creditors, this finally ended in 1947, 122 years later. The first step is always to establish a liability (which is easy for the powerful) and then the rest is history.

War reparations
The Haitian Revolution (1791–1803)
“La dette de l’independance”
Human rights must be at the core of relief efforts and the reconstruction of Haiti

The Moneyarchy Strikes Back

Protesters from the pots and pans revolution have  been indicted while the”bankers” continue their luxury lives in London and Lux.
Reporters are made to apologize for their factually correct reporting as the “tone” did not comply.
The multi nationals will kindly grace us by using more of our natural resources if we ask “pretty please”.
The “left” is behind closed doors negotiating with Empires and working in unison with the IMF.
The referendum result is already in. Damned if we do – damned if we don’t.

The grater the change the more things are the same. – Where is our ?”Pecora”?

The Revolution: A Manifesto by Ron Paul
“Truth is treason in the empire of lies”
The Two Faces of Money by Geraldine Perry & Ken Fousek

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Law no. 1 / 2010, amending Act no. 96/2009, the authorization for the Minister of Finance, on behalf of the Treasury, to guarantee The Depositors’ and Investors’ Guarantee Fund because of depositors and investors from the British and the Dutch states to cover payments to depositors in Landsbanki., Which parliament approved but the president declined confirmation that now hold value. Response options are Yes, they are to take effect, or No, they are to expire.

Coup d’etat

Our massively unpopular president (whose ill fated support of bankers and business people in the lead-up to the crash was more than embarrassing), has decided singlehandedly to change his office to resemble more the American or French presidencies, thus giving him an active political role. – Is he a villain or a hero?

He does this of-course in the name of democracy, by putting to a referendum, this simple question. Would you rather pay for the crimes of my former banker friends or be ostracized from the international community?

By the way, glittering generalities such as: “the international community”, “will honor obligations” sound sincere but they really mean nothing, which is the first rule of propaganda.

Due to the nature of the paraphrased question, I oscillate between the impossible options. Somehow, this referendum reminds me of children playing “Would you rather”.

However, the collaborated crimes of bank$ters and governments in the respective countries, allowing banks to operate without proper supervision, and agreeing only on cloaking their actions behind bank secrecy and then insisting, under threats and duress (Shock Doctrine), that the public committed the crime and should pay for it. This form of government by far surpasses Orwellian Nightmares.

Sheldon Filger, is less torn than I when he writes:

” What is now occurring in Iceland is a foretaste of what may become more common throughout the developed world. Taxpayers have been told by policymakers that they must bear the financial costs of failed decisions made by private business, no matter how steep the price, or accept even more horrendous economic consequences. For the first time, an aroused public in at least one country has rejected the dictates being imposed by the political establishment. No wonder that the Dutch and British governments reacted so swiftly with a condemnation of Iceland’s citizens for having the audacity to think they have the right to exercise their democratic rights in deciding for themselves what is in the best economic interests of their nation. ”

And Martin Wolf the chief economics commentator at the Financial Times writes.

“This is not about cutting a running deficit, which is, indeed, unavoidable. It is about forcing innocent people to assume gigantic liabilities for which they have no legal or moral responsibility. How would UK citizens feel if they were forced to assume a debt of £400bn because of HSBC’s failure to meet deposit insurance liabilities in Asia? Let the UK take the bank’s assets and leave it at that.”

“If the assets of the bank are that valuable, why not write off the debt, in return for the claims on these assets? That would be a generous gesture. It is, more importantly, one that would do much to improve the morale of a battered and vulnerable little country. Threatening such a country with destruction, as Lord Myners has done, is simply shameful. The UK and the Netherlands should stop this self-righteous bullying at once.”

“Yet they – and everybody else – must learn the really big lesson here. The combination of cross-border banking with generous guarantees to creditors is unsustainable. Taxpayers cannot be expected to write open-ended insurance on the foreign activities of their banks. It is bad enough to have to do so at home.“

Ann Pettifor and Jeremy Smith, estimate this figure to be €12,000 in damages per capita. Michael Hudson’s estimate is $20,000 for each Icelandic citizen. Multiply this figure with your own census and make up your own mind about how you would vote, – if you where even asked.

The president puts this figure in context: “May I remind that if you take the sum that the Icelandic taxpayers are asked to shoulder and you transform it in to the British economic system to get the relative size, this is equal to the British taxpayers being asked to pay £700 billion ($1.1 trillion) for the years and decades to come.”

In a TV interview Alain Lipietz one of the authors of EU’s Directive on Financial Services Supervision, states categorically, that the responsibility for supervising banks from outside the EU is with the host country. And that since 1789 governments can’t confiscate money from their citizens to pay to someone else (Money-archy vs. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, ou la mort).

To get reelected, J. M. Barroso promised 500 million Europeans a new “social Europe”. He is now closely watched by member- and aspiring member states suffering from predatory creditors. Will he live up to his promise?

The story from:

Ireland, – “bankers exposed
Latvia, – “Swedish banks



The “political class” is franticly trying to abort the referendum in Iceland because of the dangerous precedence it would set for other plebeians, and God save our “principal men” from Democracy.

And finally:
Power and Profit: The Merchant in Medieval Europe by Peter Stufford tells the story of Francesch Castello a failed banker who was beheaded in front of his bank in 1360. (y) Obviously this was before the “Money Masters” bought (into) the Democratic process. (n)

Without social justice there is no future for Europe: by Dr. M. Elvira Méndez-Pinedo.
White-collar crime fighter Eva Joly takes on IceSave
We’re all Icelanders now By Robert Peston
Why do we trust the financial priests? By Robert Peston
Media literacy. why is Peston excemt? BBC rebukes Sally Magnusson
Iceland sees the first anti-bailout revolt by Allister Heath
Iceland has no clear legal obligation to pay up By Dr Michael Waibel
Unjust for Iceland to take sole responsibility By Ms Ann Pettifor and Mr Jeremy Smith
Leading article: Iceland should not be bullied
Iceland can refuse debt servitude By Michael Hudson
The Oligarchs’ Escape Plan By Michael Hudson

The Greed Game


The insanity manifests itself.


I have long envied the Swiss for their tradition of direct Democracy, we however, with no such tradition, can we vote Yes or No to save us from a Systemic failure ?

By Systemic I mean all the components in a society where, the government, parliament, legal-, financial-, public-, private-, educational institutions, the media, and the voters have failed in their duties.

Can we put our trust in an all but a bankrupt corporation with a history of public relations stunts, to provide the technical environment for this vote ? By technical environment I mean proprietary software with no known public auditing, pair-reviews, version control or public controls of any kind?

Has there been a serious debate on the consequences of the result? Is the international financial empire just a Paper tiger or will they send in the jackals ?

This all smells of politicians wanting to score cheep points in a very serious affair in which we apparently have learned nothing, and while we are distracted over questions of no importance, our own jackals continue their scavenging for the spills.

Electronic voting
Black Box Voting
Sur le e-vote à Genève ..1.. ..2..
E-stonia’s m-voting
Simpson (_8(|)

How It’s Done

John Perkins has a simple script.

Multinational corporations covet natural resources, they find weak and/or self-serving governments, offer them massive loans which they will not be able to pay, and when they can’t, they collect by enslaving the respective populations.

Predatory Capitalism has these basic components: Corporations strive to minimize their taxes, they eliminate competition, cut wages and salaries, disregard the environment and sell dangerous or harmful products. And of course they hate any kind and form of regulations.

First the developing world and now we.

Was Iceland Victimized by Economic Hit Men?
Predatory Capitalism

The New Spirit (is getting Old)

Our betters are getting in to the Christmas spirit.
After a year of “damage control” they are now testing the waters for the release of a censored ‘truth’ report by adding an 80 year ‘ban’ on the really sensitive stuff. Some of them are furious to be under investigation, others are not being investigated at all.

Smaller fish are offered to be fried but as usual ‘names’ are nowhere to be found.

The propaganda machine continues spreading the gospel truth that a well-behaved public must fund the bill. They call it Scandinavian welfare, except in Scandinavia people get something in return while we only get to appease the angry creditors of private corporations.

Or as they say, this inspired ‘Crash’ is shared with you by the _______. Corporation

Walt Disney – The New Spirit

Global Recession: Shapes and Forms

“Debt crisis in millionaires’ playground could herald new phase in global financial meltdown”

“You say it was always obvious to you that because Britain had such a large financial sector we would be among the worst affected and that our recovery would be delayed. Why then did the prime minister say Britain would be leading the world out of recession?”

Others say that wallpapering the cracks in the capitalist wall – with public money – will not fix structural faults.

I sincerely hope though that the Tamerlane HQ will be saved.

Fears of double-dip recession grow as Dubai crashes
A morally bankrupt dictatorship built by slave labour

Done your laundry?

” Depending on which international agency you ask, criminals launder anywhere between $500 billion and $1 trillion worldwide every year. The global effect is staggering in social, economic and security terms.
. . .
Developing countries often bear the brunt of modern money laundering because the governments are still in the process of establishing regulations for their newly privatized financial sectors. This makes them a prime target. ”

Rumors relating to money laundering and connections between the fallen banks and the Russian mob continue. It is told that these are so ’embarrassing’ and reach so high up in the ranks and across boarders, that it will be about the last ‘material’ to be uncovered, – if at all.

In the meantime, low-level bank-employees are being investigated where the sums of money allegedly embezzled are in the range normal people can identify with.

No wonder that people delighted in the story about Tony Musulin – Best Thief of the Year 2009.

Meltdown Iceland
How Money Laundering Works

Left, Right or Wrong

Which is the worse criminal, the “Right” which implicated us in a monstrous crime, or the “Left” which is making us pay for it?

In similar circumstances, Ferdinand Pecora called it “a shocking disclosure of low standards in high places.”

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