Ministerial advice

The financial and social destruction continues but now at the invites of the Social Democrats and the Left-freaking-Greens.

The Ministry of Industry Energy and Tourism has been brought to light to have advised foreign investors how too brake Icelandic laws and aided and abetted the transfer of our natural resources to foreign control.

Ministers would resign for lesser crimes in all our neighboring countries, however an Icelandic Social Democratic minister just refuses to respond to the issue.

The Report of the Special Investigation Commission (SIC) documented incredible incompetence in the civil service and negligence in official duties of ministers.

“Great lack of documentation is prevalent in the administration and communications are characterized by informal conversations. Professionalism was thus greatly hampered in government.
There is no doubt that political recruitments are harmful and reduce the credibility of officials.
Narrow legal interpretation prevented work to progress according to the aim of the law which in turn served private interests at the publics expense.
It shows how the prevailing mentality and accepted value systems can be harmful to no lesser degree than direct fraud and scam.

Many politicians neglected their multiple responsibilities and failed in their duties towards the public.”

Nothing has Changed.

Economic growth, foreign investment and job creation is the usual corporate propaganda drivel. Let’s Take the Risk Out of Democracy and hide factual information from the public.

Magma Energy Sweden AB

As usual the mainstream media has mostly complied to their corporate ownership so here are some articles from Lara Hanna (IS) and the

And while we’re looking the other way, our resources are peddled off at bargain prices – August 20, 2009

More on the ludicrous Magma HS Orka deal – August 23, 2009

Magma Energy end the second coming on Kastljós – August 26, 2009

Lowest energy prices!! – or how to sell yourself Icelandic style – September 11, 2009

Of corruption, stupidity and the value of green energy – September 14, 2009

Protests today at Reykjavik City Hall! – September 15, 2009

Magma of Canada takes full control of HS Orka – May 17, 2010

Major fury over new allegations regarding Magma Energy and HS Orka – July 12, 2010

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