Perception management


A new ‘farming’ season has just started. Well crafted public relationship exercise, with all the usual ingredients, from sweet words to celebrities and nationality.

No mention of private profits, or dangers of exploiting personal information.
No Place to Hide and ‘Secrets‘ expose the myth of secure data.

Endorsement from captured ‘bodies’ does little to support informed opinion, – when a ‘label’ and a ‘flag’ is used to hide the actual owners.  2011/12 Amagen acquires deCODE for $415 million (from Chapter 11 Furniture Sales?).

The guardians of public interest also forgot to mention, that, in 2012 Amgen paid $762 million after pleading guilty to criminal charges of improper promotion and sale of misbranded drugs.

in a minuscule country we have little use for revolving doors, classmates and bridge partners suffice.

And who are the masters of disguise? – The Snakes in Suits. Those parading under the Mask of Sanity. Their Character traits are well known.- But how do we protect our self?

What about the ‘consent’ media, – why are they calling what they do ‘churnalism‘?
Liz Hayes? – Anyone?

Is this inability to learn and tendency to line up to be pruned a subject worthy of a paired study with e.g. Nulandistan?

By the way,  there is no need for  amateur  postmen, except of course to foster  “aggressive narcissism”.

The Five Ws:

  • Who?    deCODE genetics is a subsidiary of Amgen
  • What?   Collection of 100,000 ‘missing’ DNA samples and Signed Open-ended Agreements
  • Where? Iceland
  • When?  Now and for future use
  • Why?   .– …. .- – .—-. … / – …. . / …. ..- .-. .-. -.– ..–..

Perception management
Propaganda by Edward Bernays
Search and Rescue for Social influence
The Mask of Sanity

Big Parma: What?, Who? Amgen?
Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher
Pill Pushers
Is your Doctor for Sale?

Nothing to Hide
SophieCo / Eric KingPrivacy International
Ethics in Science and Medicine
Decoding broken promises

Manufacturing Consent 25 Years Later

At long last,  – a response to the blitzkrieg:
Contrary to practices in a mature democratic society (is)
Scientific rationality, uncertainty and the governance of human genetics

We have TWO (2) News media actually doing journalism (my bad):
Abused the rights of thousands of Icelanders (.is)
Same 100,000 they are after now? – Grounds for  Class action lawsuit?
kjarninn (.pdf .is) pointed to conflicting information about what Amgen actually bought, and  NextCODE   (a spin-out),  also tells a different story. –  More on the Synonym.

Our leaky vessel (sic)

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