The One Satire Solution


@ Home:

In the Shadow of the Sun King – The new bestseller about how guilt and power never met.

Selling a bank for a hospital is nice. – Wait! what? We already sold the Telecom company for just that. Well at least we didn’t sell the Royal Mail.

 Home is Best (is) ~ “All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.”

Some 20 years ago, Sagan worried about: 95% being ‘scientifically illiterate’,  10 seconds sound bites representing ‘substantive’ media content, and Dumb and Dumber being the number one video. We, however,  in the run up-to the local-elections and our brush with Big-Pharma, might add illiteracy about increasingly sophisticated persuasion technologies.

The Fine Art of Baloney Detection

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