

Questions regarding cause and effects of the financial scandal have been swarming in the air from the day of reckoning.
While the effects are fairly obvious, the causes we are told, are just to wide-ranging and complex to be understood (The Algebra of Infinite Justice), thus (conveniently) preventing any ‘fair and balanced’ investigation of the causes.
The discredited power elite has learned nothing and is preparing to continue in the same manner, using the same policies, with the same inevitable end, and why should they care? – They never pay for their own mistakes.
“The history of our race, and each individual’s experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal.” – Mark Twain

The Myth Versus the Reality …

60 secrecy jurisdictions

Where are the world’s secrecy jurisdictions? – Richard Murphy FCA

“The Mapping the Faultlines project is based on the contention that the mechanisms that allow illicit financial flows to occur result from the synergistic relationship between the world’s secrecy jurisdictions and the secrecy providers (bankers, lawyers and accountants) whose work is based there.”

An excerpt and a full list is available for download here.

The crisis: a year on

After the economic collapse and a year of corruption revelations, not a single kleptocrat has been arrested.

Do we simply have to take Herbert Marcuse’s quote as given, that, “Law and order are everywhere the law and order which protect the established hierarchy.” ?

Corporate welfare

It was heartwarming to observe the first reactions of the transnational corporate giants that have graced our country with their industrious presence, to the suggestion that they might help in restoring an economically failed nation.

However, do to the harsh realities in the international markets (and this and that and the other) this was not a viable proposition in the current time frame. I must inform you, that this totally inconsiderate suggestion originated from a leftist MP, – and we all know that communists have no heart.

It will thus be up to the poor widow’s offering to manage the restorations.

The Silence of the Web

The latest trend in our ‘democratic’ and ‘crime free’ society is the hostility expressed towards bloggers / reporters. The self appointed ‘elite’, financial or otherwise, id est those who have acceptable opinions are mightily indignant over inappropriate comments and leaks in the blogger sphere and want it stopped. The old tools they are so grief-stricken for are the mass media, proper academics and of course their legal technicians (as they are now called).

I my self find Chomsky’s explanations illuminating when he writes: “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.”

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