
Learned Anything Yet?

William K. Black @ hammer.ucla.edu (90m)

In perception management terms, in our own and so very local (except where it isn’t) case, there is a subtle shift, fist we voted against IceSave 93%, but now we vote on the IceSave agreement which is a fine and professionally worked out agreement.

Can we be assured that “they” will never use our name and guaranties to swindle all of us again?

Have we been given the necessary information?
Are our representatives in control?
Is the Special Prosecutor paralyzed by analysis?
– Two years, 80 cases, 216 defendants, 600 interrogations – two charges.
Is the justice system able to take on it’s pairs and superiors?
Is there ongoing corruption, autocracy, despotism, nepotism, crony-ism?

Are the bankers already paying them-selfs exuberant salaries and bonuses?
Are “they” further privatizing our natural resources?
Are the same people buying/removing the remaining banks and other strategic businesses, aided by the politicians, and shielded by the entertainment industry (TV, press)?
Are the same people repeating the exact sorry story?

Is No, the only assurance we can give, that we will not pay for CEOs Welfare, the Perception Managed, Lobbied, Lawyered, Cut, Bailed, and Non-Jailable class.

The NonJailable Class
& The Press?
At wit’s end?
What’s 1 TRILLION like?
Truism: It Must be Private!
Glimpses of Hope
& The Response
Yes ? – No ? (.is)
Austerity & Blackmail

The Illusion of Choice

Well, he has done it again. Thank you mister president. We get to vote, but what about: Who, what, when, where, why, in what way, by what means and how?

By the way, this is the same president that aided and abetted the Latter-day Viking raids on the coasts around us (e.g. „You ain’t seen nothing yet“).

The “cheerleader” role of the president is given a whole chapter in the SIC Report (already forgotten) and the summarized lessons learned are:

  • The presidents role must be clarified in the constitution.
  • Rules are required as to how the president communicates with other states.
  • It is desirable that the Presidency did have a protocol including the manner in which business is supported.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Are we to feel grateful for this opportunity to be made responsible for the Criminal Banking Cartel? Or just for knowing that we are damned whatever we do?

Taking into account the secret and classified preconditions for the agreement, the nonjailable class is asking the rabble to play Russian Roulette with a blindfold, but that’s their reptilian nature, they always operate under the Mask of Sanity.

And Sane it isn’t. Now that the whereabouts of the stolen Icesave money is known – ask the Deloitte London Office – return it, and stop this madness.

There is only this tiny snag, we are now told it was all perfectly “natural” and “legal”. The money was funneled to other Banks in the Global Cartel to pay for equally natural and legal loans. Propter hoc, the money accumulates in the (Jekyll Island) “System”. Ex post facto, the Perfect Crime for the Bankers, but we get to vote on it. Yay!

The Illusion of Choice
Why are they not in jail?
The SIC Report
The Mask of Sanity
Is Bjorgolfur Thor the Key? (.is)
The Petersburg Connection
How much does a private-jet carry?  (3%)
Wire transfer: SWIFT, TIPANET, .?. (97%)
Where did the Icesave money go? (.is)
Deloitte London Office
From Jackson
To Ferguson
“This shit’s got to go.” [C] [1] [2]

The Crime That Wasn’t

Justices of the Supreme Court have decided on the fate of the Constitutional Assembly. What’s good enough for England, Germany and France, is useless on this bedrock of justice. Of course such Excellencies are wasted on farmers and fishermen and should be offered as legal-aid to these wretched countries.
Alas! in winter, dead and dark, we tried to teach them Excellence in banking to no avail.

In a failed state, it would be remarkable if one of it’s institutions had somehow existed in a pristine state, unaffected from all the rest. After two years of revelations of incompetence, corruption and criminality, it’s at best sad to see sanctimonious cliché’s about courts and judges, when it is one of the affected institutions.

The “party” has ruled the Justice Ministry for the best part of it’s history and appointed all but one of the Supreme Court Judges. In this current case the court has humiliated it self by acting as an extension to party headquarters. Justices pledging allegiance to the Inner Circle on national television is singular.

To change institutions in a society will take more than a demonstration or two, and the burning of a Christmas tree.

It is vitally important to refer this case to the The European Court of Human Rights so that “entities” of whatever nomination can’t just “unplug” the democratic process. – That form of government is Tyranny – and I will be seeking asylum in England, Germany and France.

Thomas Jefferson was well aware that ‘powers’ tend to forget the origin of their transferred powers when he said, “Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people”.

From the Blogosphere:
4 Justices ‘guilty’ of blatant conflict of interest
The Supreme Court of special interests
The PM and the Justice Minister surprised (.is)
MP Critical of the Court (.is)
No known precedence in a western country –

Court resorts to creative semantics.
Federal Constitutional Court Of Germany 2007 (.is)
– Dismal track-record with the European Court of Justice (.is)
– The Supreme Court should resign (.is)
No legal basis for Election annulment (.is)

Not half a sentence regarding how the result was contaminated (.is)
The Faculty of Law was tenured by totally incompetent professors (.is)
Court did not comply with investigative duties (.is)
University professors criticize the Supreme Court. (.is)
It’s just an “Administrative Decision” anyone can contest (.is)

Mathematician shames the courts logic (.is)
HowTo defend the democracy from the country’s supreme court (.is)
First [court] order predicate calculus: “It’s Common Knowledge”.
The “Terminally Unique” encouraged to seek professional help.)
Not just any fool [lawyer] out there (.is)

Rector of a University charges judge of deception. (.is)
Supermans X-ray vision, – can he see through [crap] lead?
Do we have here a party of young conservatives from Sirius B?
[Barking, growling, and howling]
It’s all the same issue, the race for the Nations Resources (.is)
FM 3-05.130 …Unconventional Warfare – “stores of value”

The only thing wrong with the election was the Court’s Interference.
(YouTube: needs text)
New and Improved Natural Resources Colonialism.
(YouTube: needs text)

The Land of the Free

let’s get 1 million voices against the crackdown this week!


Advice to Students and Employees:

“We received a call today from a SIPA alumnus who is working at the State Department. He asked us to pass along the following information to anyone who will be applying for jobs in the federal government, since all would require a background investigation and in some instances a security clearance. The documents released during the past few months through Wikileaks are still considered classified documents. He recommends that you DO NOT post links to these documents nor make comments on social media sites such as Facebook or through Twitter. Engaging in these activities would call into question your ability to deal with confidential information, which is part of most positions with the federal government.”

“Any classified information that may have been unlawfully disclosed and released on the Wikileaks web site was not ‘declassified’ by an appopriate authority and therefore requires continued classification and protection as such from government personnel… Accessing the Wikileaks web site from any computer may be viewed as a violation of the SF-312 agreement… Any discussions concerning the legitimacy of any documents or whether or not they are classified must be conducted within controlled access areas (overseas) or within restricted areas (USAID/Washington)… The documents should not be viewed, downloaded, or stored on your USAID unclassified network computer or home computer; they should not be printed or retransmitted in any fashion.”

Thomas Jefferson: – Anyone?
“Information is the currency of democracy.”
“Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people.”

JFK Secret Society Speech?

NYT (Avert Your Eyes)
Spine Transplant for …
Emulating the Chinese
Killing the Messenger
De hemliga telegrammen (SVT)
Women Against Rape
Of, By, And For the One Percent?
Rap News
Is it Payback Time?
The Cone? of Scilence
Captured by World’s Dating Police
‘Liberal Democracies’ Public-enemy No. 1 (2 & 3)
Because the most unpardonable sin in a ‘Liberal Democratic’ society is, – independence of thought.
Let the eye of vigilance never be closed

Constitutional Assembly Election

No need to change anything in the Constitution, – Fit For A King
(and the current Scam and Sleaze at the Top)


40% Voter turnout. – Are we becoming like the Swiss? For the same reasons?

“The very low Swiss voter turnout rate (40 per cent) reflects citizen perception that voting has little impact on how the country is run” – political scientist Mark Franklin.

The Plutocratic Legacy

Iceland’s Financial Miracle: People queuing for food in front of the Family-Help Center.

Wikipedia: “In recent years, Iceland has been one of the wealthiest and most developed nations in the world. In 2007, it was ranked as the most developed country in the world by the United Nations’ Human Development Index, and the fourth most productive country per capita.”

How to help: Fjölskylduhjálpin (Family Help Center): Account Number: 101-26-66090 “Social Security Number”: 660903-2590

“You cannot solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.” ~ Albert Einstein

Shadow Elite (flex nets), “you could practically fit them into a restaurant.”

Clueless 2


From the Blogosfair.

~ There is a profound misunderstanding on the part of the authorities to claim that they understand the nations anger.
We can’t begin to talk about understanding, until at least one of them has experienced some of the following: auction of their home, life on unemployment benefits, – pensions, – disability benefits, standing in the food line at the family help center, having to eat at the Salvation Army’s day center and sleeping in a homeless shelter. Until then their balderdash is just insulting ~

At the same time the political and corporate ‘elite’ who collaborated and orchestrated the meltdown flatly refuse any accountability, and eagerly work towards getting back to their unfettered plunder and impunity.

Next on their agenda is to auction off thousands of peoples homes for pittance, as happened in America, and to sell them to people with “access” , who in turn will rent these properties to “commoners” at extortionist prices. – “Look ma no hands”. Disregarding their impunity , the pattern is distinctively SCAD-ish.

Does anyone remember Hudson? or Perkins?
Oct. – Nov. 2008
4th October 2010
List of fallacies
How individuals “attribute” causes to events and behavior
Perception Management

William K. Black

The “F” Business Plan: Mathematically Proven Formula to enrich CEO’s and? impoverish everyone else.

1. Grow like crazy
2. Bad loans – high yields
3. Extraordinary leverage
4. No meaningful loss reserves

Never “Fuzzy” & No “Boundaries”: The Best Way to Rob an Icelandic Bank Was to Own One

Holding Abusive and Fraudulent Elites and Enablers Accountable

The School of Lies

The Bankster School of Lies has a tried and tested technique, “give them something repugnant to deny”,  thus displacing any blame, works every time and while psychopaths have no difficulty with this, normal people do.

Liar(s) could be distinguished by these traits: 1.) Consistent destructive, scapegoating behavior, which may often be quite subtle. 2.) Excessive, albeit usually covert, intolerance to criticism and other forms of narcissistic injury. 3.) Pronounced concern with a public image and self-image of respectability, contributing to a stability of lifestyle but also to pretentiousness and denial of hateful feelings or vengeful motives. 4.) Intellectual deviousness, with an increased likelihood of a mild schizophrenic-like disturbance of thinking at times of stress.

The mass-media owned by the “Temple” drums the message, “You Owe Us Money!” (equivalent to the older, “You Are a Sinner!”) not specifying the: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. If we are stupid enough to ask for specifics, they respond with broad generalities. It appears that the “extortionists” have conveniently forgotten the insolvency law which states that recourse can only be made to the estate of the bankrupt and not to unrelated parties.

In The Battle For Our Minds we have been treated to the standard diet of: threats of isolation, fatigue, tension, uncertainty, financial jargon (econo-speak) of unintelligible terms, and of course no humor (debt is deadly serious).

Governments, lobbied by the finance industry, have removed all effective regulations including those for crime and fraud, all supposedly made right by the sacred and infallible market, finally shrouding it all in bank secrecy and international treaties, and still corrupt governments and private banks are our penance.

As we go up the hierarchy in organized power structures this pattern becomes even more prevalent and damaging. As the Banksters have through the ages claimed to be the “Treasurers of The Gods.” and to be “Doing God’s Work”, I can’t but include the videos from the Intelligence Squared Debate, due to the obvious parallels in hypocrisy, pride and prejudice, here are Stephen Fry and Christopher Hitchens.

People have been grappling with this curious lack of ‘humanness’ for a very long time, here is more on the subject:

The Mask of Sanity
People of the Lie: The Hope For Healing Human Evil
Snakes In Suits: When Psychopaths Go To Work
The Lost Science of Money: The Mythology of Money, The Story of Power
The story continues
People with Power Are Better Liars

For the Love of Democracy

January 6, 2010 I wrote: The “political class” is franticly trying to abort the referendum in Iceland because of the dangerous precedence it would set for other plebeians, and God save our “principal men” from Democracy.

This is now confirmed in a classified letter from the US Embassy in Reykjavik published on Wikileaks. It is easy to demonize the president and forget about the 56,089 Icelanders (23,3% of Icelandic voters), that petitioned him to refer the law to a national referendum. Will our “principal men” succeed in breaking the Constitution in these remaining days?

May the hand wither that works against the inherent rights of the people.

New form WikiLeaks: UK-NL “profiteering” from deal. (pdf)



1. (C) Summary. CDA met with Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Einar Gunnarsson and Political Advisor Kristjan Guy Burgess January 12 to discuss Icesave. After presenting a gloomy picture of Iceland’s future, the two officials asked for U.S. support. They said that public comments of support from the U.S. or assistance in getting the issue on the IMF agenda would be very much appreciated. They further said that they did not want to see the matter go to a national referendum and that they were exploring other options for resolving the issue. The British Ambassador told CDA separately that he, as well as the Ministry of Finance, were also looking at options that would forestall a referendum. End Summary.


The New Spirit (is getting Old)

Our betters are getting in to the Christmas spirit.
After a year of “damage control” they are now testing the waters for the release of a censored ‘truth’ report by adding an 80 year ‘ban’ on the really sensitive stuff. Some of them are furious to be under investigation, others are not being investigated at all.

Smaller fish are offered to be fried but as usual ‘names’ are nowhere to be found.

The propaganda machine continues spreading the gospel truth that a well-behaved public must fund the bill. They call it Scandinavian welfare, except in Scandinavia people get something in return while we only get to appease the angry creditors of private corporations.

Or as they say, this inspired ‘Crash’ is shared with you by the _______. Corporation

Walt Disney – The New Spirit

Global Recession: Shapes and Forms

“Debt crisis in millionaires’ playground could herald new phase in global financial meltdown”

“You say it was always obvious to you that because Britain had such a large financial sector we would be among the worst affected and that our recovery would be delayed. Why then did the prime minister say Britain would be leading the world out of recession?”

Others say that wallpapering the cracks in the capitalist wall – with public money – will not fix structural faults.

I sincerely hope though that the Tamerlane HQ will be saved.

Fears of double-dip recession grow as Dubai crashes
A morally bankrupt dictatorship built by slave labour

Investigating Iceland’s financiers

Joly delivers her verdict on everything from financial sector bonuses (immoral) to climate change (a grave danger) and the situation in Gaza (tragic).
. . .
“This is what you see all over the world,” she says, egged on by the documentary makers’ account of how ordinary Icelanders are paying for the crimes of the plutocracy. “The rules are not for the elite. The elite are always living above the law.”
. . .
Perhaps her most valuable contribution is the leverage she has over the investigation’s political masters. Her presence reduces the risk of the probe being suppressed
. . .
“We must be very vigilant. Many people in the market have one idea: to get back to business as usual. We must not forget that this system is very ill.”
. . .
“I am here to help. The ­people of ­Iceland have invested me with a great hope, great expectations,” she says. “But it is their country. Only Icelanders can lead this inquiry.”

FT – Stanley Pignal and Andrew Ward

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