
Defective By Design

Is Our Monetary Structure a Systemic Cause for Financial Instability?

“Why is the financial crisis of 2008 treated as if it were the first? The World Bank has identified more than 96 previous banking crises and 176 monetary crises since President Nixon introduced the floating exchange regime in the early 1970s (Caprio and Klingebiel, 1996). Even before this period, financial booms and bust cycles were, in Kindleberger’s words, a remarkably “hardy perennial” (Kindleberger, 1978); he inventories no less than 48 massive crashes between the 1637 tulip mania in Holland and the 1929 crash on Wall Street. In short, it may be tempting to consider financial and monetary instability as a given, as part of Schumpeter’s “creative destruction” of
capitalism.” –

320 crashes from 1637 (~ 0.86 p.a.).

For the last 370 years, there has been on average one crash every 14th month, and as recovery usually takes years this has been a history of continuous disaster. No wonder the Economic Priesthood is pleased with it self.

It is difficult to accept Economics as a Scientific Discipline with such a dismal record of “correction”. – “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

Bernard Lietaer
The Lost Science of Money
The American Monetary Act (proposed)
Religion, not a science
Barefoot Economics
Surviving without money
The Bank of Happiness
The Shock Doctrine

The Enigma of Capital

The writing is on the wall

The crisis of middle-class America – F.T.
On the Way Down – Der Spiegel
..a lost decade.. Washington Post

The coming global crash… John Zufelt
On the Edge with Gerald Celente
‘Keiser Report ?70: Markets! Finance! Scandal!’

A country under siege

Capacent Gallup: 85 percent of the population is opposed to foreign entities being able to buy Icelandic Natural Resources. (Gallup.pdf)


” These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. ” – Thomas Paine

Björk’s Open Letter to the Members of Parliament


In two weeks Magma Energy Sweden AB could become the biggest shareholder of HS Orka. The company would then have access to some of our most important natural resources for the next 65 years, with an optional extension for another 65 years. 130 years! Is this in accordance with the laws that state only the Icelandic government should have the right to harness and govern the natural resources of Iceland?

Shouldn’t we ask for an investigation of this deal and get a report on the business exchange concerning our resources, as we got a report on the banks?

Shouldn’t the nation be able to decide for itself if it is willing to sell off it’s natural resources, by means of a law change to enable a national referendum?

One of the IMF’s suggestions is that Iceland should open up access to it’s natural resources to foreigners. According to the letter of intent signed by the government last April, it seems that those suggestions will be followed. Are we thus going to use our nature in this way to pay off the Icesave-debts of those few Icelandic venture capitalists?
Allegedly the Magma deal is about the benefits of foreign investment. How does that compute with the fact that 70% of the purchase price is financed with a local bullet-loan with collateral in the shares?
Is there anything that guarantees jobs will be created in Iceland through this deal?
In the future, water will probably be the most valuable resource in the world. Will the deal with Magma Energy possibly set a legal precedent, and be used in the future to enforce the sale of more natural resources?

What will our grandchildren think of the deals we’re making now? “


Open Letter to the Members of Parliament (full text)

Petition to the Government
” I urge the authorities to stop the sale of HS Orka and for Alþingi to hold a national referendum on the ownership and the utilisation of our energy resources. ”

It’s Oh (Not) So Quiet. More than 16,000 people have already signed.
Mapping this onto the UK and US census, this would mean more than 3.3 and 16 million signatures respectively.

Denial-of-service attack?

Public Services International -Privatisation in the energy sector (pdf)

Freedom of establishment for companies and abuse of rights in EU/EEA law – Energy policy

Oh my God, the holy trinity of “free” market economics: growth, (foreign) investment and job creation (lol) is at risk!
By the way, we are living and paying for a disgraced profession (one of many), bought and payed for by the likes of the current vulture.

What we are seeing now is an “operation” of suppressing the truth and splitting hairs.

” Who owns Magma Energy? Have MPs and Ministers seen and studied the list of shareholders? If not – how dare they sell valuable assets and rights of usage of the Nations natural resources to complete strangers, men without any reference at all? ” – Lara Hanna

Ministerial advice

The financial and social destruction continues but now at the invites of the Social Democrats and the Left-freaking-Greens.

The Ministry of Industry Energy and Tourism has been brought to light to have advised foreign investors how too brake Icelandic laws and aided and abetted the transfer of our natural resources to foreign control.

Ministers would resign for lesser crimes in all our neighboring countries, however an Icelandic Social Democratic minister just refuses to respond to the issue.

The Report of the Special Investigation Commission (SIC) documented incredible incompetence in the civil service and negligence in official duties of ministers.

“Great lack of documentation is prevalent in the administration and communications are characterized by informal conversations. Professionalism was thus greatly hampered in government.
There is no doubt that political recruitments are harmful and reduce the credibility of officials.
Narrow legal interpretation prevented work to progress according to the aim of the law which in turn served private interests at the publics expense.
It shows how the prevailing mentality and accepted value systems can be harmful to no lesser degree than direct fraud and scam.

Many politicians neglected their multiple responsibilities and failed in their duties towards the public.”

Nothing has Changed.

Economic growth, foreign investment and job creation is the usual corporate propaganda drivel. Let’s Take the Risk Out of Democracy and hide factual information from the public.

Magma Energy Sweden AB

As usual the mainstream media has mostly complied to their corporate ownership so here are some articles from Lara Hanna (IS) and the icelandweatherreport.com

And while we’re looking the other way, our resources are peddled off at bargain prices – August 20, 2009

More on the ludicrous Magma HS Orka deal – August 23, 2009

Magma Energy end the second coming on Kastljós – August 26, 2009

Lowest energy prices!! – or how to sell yourself Icelandic style – September 11, 2009

Of corruption, stupidity and the value of green energy – September 14, 2009

Protests today at Reykjavik City Hall! – September 15, 2009

Magma of Canada takes full control of HS Orka – May 17, 2010

Major fury over new allegations regarding Magma Energy and HS Orka – July 12, 2010

Stripping national assets

First the fish stocks, then the banks, now the natural energy resources. These are the actual accomplishments of our business people and their political servants. In the days up to elections, political parties claim to have public welfare as their highest priority. For the rest of the time theft and financial terrorism is the norm.

This happens when the Left-freaking-Greens and Social Democrats are in power, and some say that this is a part of the IMF’s deal with the government, which of course is not available to the public.

We need a national referendum to stop this insanity.

Blatantly corrupt tale (or the second coming of Christ).
The Big Sellout
Puppets of private bankers (and he is a nut?)
The Quislings among us
“Drop Dead Economics”
Lying children and fraudulent markets

Can’t Top That, and Then They Do

After all this time and endless stream of unbelievable news of bankers fraud we are told, that even after the fall, “they” stole the rescue-package (the best part of the Central-banks reserves) and transferred the moneys to tax-havens (Luxembourg and British-Virgin Islands).

Now, the news read “engaged in a sweeping conspiracy”, obviously not to the liking of the “conspiracy phobics“.

Global Illicit Financial Structures:

  • Tax havens
  • Secrecy jurisdictions
  • Disguised corporations
  • Redomiciliation provisions
  • Anonymous trust accounts
  • Fake foundations
  • Falsified pricing
  • Money laundering techniques

Interpol – Wanted EINARSSON, Sigurdur
Ounce of Gold for information leading to arrest
Iceland’s Glitnir sues ex-officials for $2 bln
Icelandic leaders accused of ‘negligence’
Dunning–Kruger effect

The Comedians

For almost two years now, we have been blessed by a “problem” which has shielded us from looking at our own selfs. The haunting shadow of our own failure of our own weakness has been but forgotten.

Somehow, I’ve been reminded of Graham Greene’s novel The Comedians. There are similarities to our own fate. The country was governed for a very long time by “Papa Doc” and his “Tontons” have been woven into the fabric. There is a sustained denial of any wrong doing. Nothing which was done in the years up-to the crash may be personalized or even given a name. Or as Stieg Larsson put it, “fraud that was so extensive it was no longer merely criminal—it was business.”

We the Demos handed over our responsibility to Representatives,just as in the days when the horse was the fastest form of communication. Now we look at our representatives in horror and only 13% or less have any faith in their abilities or intentions. Professionally educated people have been prominent in this saga. Few questions have been asked about the state of their education. Science or Junk are we shielding educators that have forgotten the search for knowledge, and  replaced it with the manufactured truth?

In crawling our selfs out of this quicksand there will be no grand victories, only small ones, if we are lucky.

Will The Truth Report alleviate any of my trepidations??
Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why…
… a tide in the affairs of men
Infinite representative wisdom

Vulture Capitalism

After a successful spell of Shock Doctrine, the Vultures flock to our shores in all shapes, forms and disguises.

Our own Vultures either attack or welcome them according to their own Vulture interests. Foreign investment in a “free” market system is paramount. To hell with the fact that we can’t pay “our” current debt, lets borrow some more money. We can’t save our selfs without more, without more “stuff” we suffer from irritability, insomnia, depression, anorexia, you name it.

What can we sell, how can we prostitute our selfs, we must satisfy our addiction for more, more, yes for the golden sustainable and endless growth.

Yes, our next fix will come from: casinos, money laundering, destroying our natural resources, and inviting “Blackwater” to use our airspace to prepare for the next war. Sure, our daughters could do with some money.

Vultures are, in spite of their image problem, really marked by humanistic values and devotion to human welfare. This is apparent in their classic promise that “Job creation” is an inevitable result of their actions, and to their dedication to human progress and survival.

Vulture Capitalism
Keiser Report:
No.23 Greg Palast @gregpalast.com
No.28 Helen Skopis @Athens International

The fleeceing of the public

Governments and Corporations are united in their Legal plunder of ‘their’ enslaved masses.
Private banks go bust and government ministers parrot the mantra that “we (meaning the public) will honor our (meaning their) obligations”.
They do not speak in my name.
Clarity of thought is obviously not in the interest of the actual perpetrators, who are busy shifting their crimes onto the public

Orwell pointed out that “the words democracy, socialism, freedom, patriotic, realistic, justice have each of them several different meanings which cannot be reconciled with one another.”

Maybe the words corporatism, oligarchy, kleptocracy, dictatorship and fascism are better suited to describe the “free and democratic” form of governance we now live under.

Jubilee Debt Campaign.
Alex Jones’ Infowars: Birgitta Jonsdottir parts 1 to 4.
Press TV – The Real Deal-Birgitta Jonsdottir
Save the People of Iceland – the Official Petition
Debt(guilt)-based economic slavery by John Zufelt


From Haiti, Germany, Japan, Iraq to Iceland.
In Africa they support us and say that we are refusing to turn up for our own funeral. Some of us predict that we are becoming the next Haiti, not because of the current tragedy but because of the Revolution(1791–1803) and resulting reparations(1825). 75 years later they where sill paying 80% of their national income to predatory creditors, this finally ended in 1947, 122 years later. The first step is always to establish a liability (which is easy for the powerful) and then the rest is history.

War reparations
The Haitian Revolution (1791–1803)
“La dette de l’independance”
Human rights must be at the core of relief efforts and the reconstruction of Haiti

Coup d’etat

Our massively unpopular president (whose ill fated support of bankers and business people in the lead-up to the crash was more than embarrassing), has decided singlehandedly to change his office to resemble more the American or French presidencies, thus giving him an active political role. – Is he a villain or a hero?

He does this of-course in the name of democracy, by putting to a referendum, this simple question. Would you rather pay for the crimes of my former banker friends or be ostracized from the international community?

By the way, glittering generalities such as: “the international community”, “will honor obligations” sound sincere but they really mean nothing, which is the first rule of propaganda.

Due to the nature of the paraphrased question, I oscillate between the impossible options. Somehow, this referendum reminds me of children playing “Would you rather”.

However, the collaborated crimes of bank$ters and governments in the respective countries, allowing banks to operate without proper supervision, and agreeing only on cloaking their actions behind bank secrecy and then insisting, under threats and duress (Shock Doctrine), that the public committed the crime and should pay for it. This form of government by far surpasses Orwellian Nightmares.

Sheldon Filger, is less torn than I when he writes:

” What is now occurring in Iceland is a foretaste of what may become more common throughout the developed world. Taxpayers have been told by policymakers that they must bear the financial costs of failed decisions made by private business, no matter how steep the price, or accept even more horrendous economic consequences. For the first time, an aroused public in at least one country has rejected the dictates being imposed by the political establishment. No wonder that the Dutch and British governments reacted so swiftly with a condemnation of Iceland’s citizens for having the audacity to think they have the right to exercise their democratic rights in deciding for themselves what is in the best economic interests of their nation. ”

And Martin Wolf the chief economics commentator at the Financial Times writes.

“This is not about cutting a running deficit, which is, indeed, unavoidable. It is about forcing innocent people to assume gigantic liabilities for which they have no legal or moral responsibility. How would UK citizens feel if they were forced to assume a debt of £400bn because of HSBC’s failure to meet deposit insurance liabilities in Asia? Let the UK take the bank’s assets and leave it at that.”

“If the assets of the bank are that valuable, why not write off the debt, in return for the claims on these assets? That would be a generous gesture. It is, more importantly, one that would do much to improve the morale of a battered and vulnerable little country. Threatening such a country with destruction, as Lord Myners has done, is simply shameful. The UK and the Netherlands should stop this self-righteous bullying at once.”

“Yet they – and everybody else – must learn the really big lesson here. The combination of cross-border banking with generous guarantees to creditors is unsustainable. Taxpayers cannot be expected to write open-ended insurance on the foreign activities of their banks. It is bad enough to have to do so at home.“

Ann Pettifor and Jeremy Smith, estimate this figure to be €12,000 in damages per capita. Michael Hudson’s estimate is $20,000 for each Icelandic citizen. Multiply this figure with your own census and make up your own mind about how you would vote, – if you where even asked.

The president puts this figure in context: “May I remind that if you take the sum that the Icelandic taxpayers are asked to shoulder and you transform it in to the British economic system to get the relative size, this is equal to the British taxpayers being asked to pay £700 billion ($1.1 trillion) for the years and decades to come.”

In a TV interview Alain Lipietz one of the authors of EU’s Directive on Financial Services Supervision, states categorically, that the responsibility for supervising banks from outside the EU is with the host country. And that since 1789 governments can’t confiscate money from their citizens to pay to someone else (Money-archy vs. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, ou la mort).

To get reelected, J. M. Barroso promised 500 million Europeans a new “social Europe”. He is now closely watched by member- and aspiring member states suffering from predatory creditors. Will he live up to his promise?

The story from:

Ireland, – “bankers exposed
Latvia, – “Swedish banks



The “political class” is franticly trying to abort the referendum in Iceland because of the dangerous precedence it would set for other plebeians, and God save our “principal men” from Democracy.

And finally:
Power and Profit: The Merchant in Medieval Europe by Peter Stufford tells the story of Francesch Castello a failed banker who was beheaded in front of his bank in 1360. (y) Obviously this was before the “Money Masters” bought (into) the Democratic process. (n)

Without social justice there is no future for Europe: by Dr. M. Elvira Méndez-Pinedo.
White-collar crime fighter Eva Joly takes on IceSave
We’re all Icelanders now By Robert Peston
Why do we trust the financial priests? By Robert Peston
Media literacy. why is Peston excemt? BBC rebukes Sally Magnusson
Iceland sees the first anti-bailout revolt by Allister Heath
Iceland has no clear legal obligation to pay up By Dr Michael Waibel
Unjust for Iceland to take sole responsibility By Ms Ann Pettifor and Mr Jeremy Smith
Leading article: Iceland should not be bullied
Iceland can refuse debt servitude By Michael Hudson
The Oligarchs’ Escape Plan By Michael Hudson

The Greed Game


The insanity manifests itself.

How It’s Done

John Perkins has a simple script.

Multinational corporations covet natural resources, they find weak and/or self-serving governments, offer them massive loans which they will not be able to pay, and when they can’t, they collect by enslaving the respective populations.

Predatory Capitalism has these basic components: Corporations strive to minimize their taxes, they eliminate competition, cut wages and salaries, disregard the environment and sell dangerous or harmful products. And of course they hate any kind and form of regulations.

First the developing world and now we.

Was Iceland Victimized by Economic Hit Men?
Predatory Capitalism

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